Yamaha 150 vs 200 SHO

Availability from Yamaha ?
This is my assumption. I would bet offering it creates another known bottleneck that is avoidable right now on getting orders built. Lots of motor supply chain issues, so this seems most likely.

Given how Bennington really works hard to provide so many customer options and flexibility, I cannot imagine it’s because Bennington decided not to offer it becuase of a small price differential. If that were the case, there are a number of options they wouldn’t bother offering.
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Availability from Yamaha ?
Price difference between the 150 and 175 was almost nothing, due to it being almost the same motor. So I wonder if Bennington got rid of it to push the 200 instead of the 175.
Who knows, just curious. Happy Holidays everyone
They still offer the F-175 just not the SHO-175 and they dropped it in early November That was the motor I wanted and it came back no. F-175 or SHO-150 So I went with the SHO-150 but in fairness I ordered my boat in July with the SHO-150 and asked to change it to the SHO-175 in October but was too late.
I imagine with the shortage of chips/ECMs Yamaha would reserve them for the models that either the boat manufacturers are most in need of, or have the highest margin. I have seen very few VF175's out there so it may have been 86'd until the supply chain catches back up.
They still offer the F-175 just not the SHO-175 and they dropped it in early November That was the motor I wanted and it came back no. F-175 or SHO-150 So I went with the SHO-150 but in fairness I ordered my boat in July with the SHO-150 and asked to change it to the SHO-175 in October but was too late.
You will love the 150SHO, I bet. The 175 SHO exceeded my expectations and I think the same will be for the 150SHO.
Just got my new 2022 L23 Last weekend. I went with the 200 SHO that can be flashed to a 300. It’s very quiet and has awesome acceleration. Had 6 adults on it and was up to 40 mph without trimming in a flash. Was a $2500 adder over the F200 Yamaha the dealer had originally priced me.


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Just got my new 2022 L23 Last weekend. I went with the 200 SHO that can be flashed to a 300. It’s very quiet and has awesome acceleration. Had 6 adults on it and was up to 40 mph without trimming in a flash. Was a $2500 adder over the F200 Yamaha the dealer had originally priced me.
Beautiful boat. Very similar to mine except mine is the L22 instead. I'd love to go 200 SHO, ,but struggling to find the additional 7-8k. Maybe if my stock goes up in next fee months I'll change the order
F150 is fine for tritoons up to 22'....but they should be equipped with power steering. Was very disappointed with our 2019 22SSXAPGP till we added it. Slow, heavy steering compared to previous boat. I would go for a SHO of 175 or 200HP for a larger/longer 'toon though. BTW - our boat runs out to 39-40MPH with 4 people on board. The best part of the package is the ability to quietly cruise on plane at 3000RPM... :)
F150 is fine for tritoons up to 22'....but they should be equipped with power steering. Was very disappointed with our 2019 22SSXAPGP till we added it. Slow, heavy steering compared to previous boat. I would go for a SHO of 175 or 200HP for a larger/longer 'toon though. BTW - our boat runs out to 39-40MPH with 4 people on board. The best part of the package is the ability to quietly cruise on plane at 3000RPM... :)
Thanks for the feedback. I'm probably going to stick with the 150 as of right now. I may change my mind but I been to ask my dealer on engine availability.

If we can cruise around 20 for tubing and get on plane I'll be good
If you wait to change your mind you may be waiting much longer than you think .
Its best if you make a decision and stick with it .
My dealer has a Yamaha ordered for his 2022 demo ,he was going to change to a Mercury ,but cant do it now due to the fact that Bennington has scheduled his ( and mine ) production date ( 2/14/2022 ) .If things were back to normal ,that would be different .
Thanks for the feedback. I'm probably going to stick with the 150 as of right now. I may change my mind but I been to ask my dealer on engine availability.

If we can cruise around 20 for tubing and get on plane I'll be good
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If you wait to change your mind you may be waiting much longer than you think .
Its best if you make a decision and stick with it .
My dealer has a Yamaha ordered for his 2022 demo ,he was going to change to a Mercury ,but cant do it now due to the fact that Bennington has scheduled his ( and mine ) production date ( 2/14/2022 ) .If things were back to normal ,that would be different .
Hey Jack, My dealer is saying motors are coming in later than boats now. I have a Yamaha ordered, so do you or anyone, have any insight to this issue?
I do not ,other than my dealer was going to switch to Mercury on his demo but waited too long since his ( and mine) production date came in last week. I'll take my chances coming across Lake Michigan instead of the Pacific Ocean.
My dealer did have a customer last year that had ordered a Yamaha 300 or 250 ,( don't recall which ) motor was late . Yamaha provided a 150 until the order came in
Wow that is customer service. I have a 300 on order and would be elated to have that offer.
Times change ,this was was a 2020 order for 2021 delivery. Honestly I think the supply chain is better now than a year ago . That's just my opinion from talking to my dealer and others .
Hey Jack, My dealer is saying motors are coming in later than boats now. I have a Yamaha ordered, so do you or anyone, have any insight to this issue?
I ordered Oct 2020, boat arrived in early may 2021, vmax 175 never showed up by June 5 or so, so my dealer let me take a new vmax 150 from another stock boat and off I went. Never heard when the 175 actually showed up
I still don't have a production date on my September order (plan to check in with the dealer on Monday) but when I ordered he said trailers are actually out further than boats and motors. Projected date for the Benny was February but he said it would likely be March or April before we see the trailer.