2275 Underpowered?


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Looking to make offer on 2013 2275 RCW. Have  posted concerns and appreciate the feedback. Last concern is that of motor size. This boat has a Yamaha 150 four stroke. The test ride with wife seemed to be fine, but boat is rated for 14 people. What is the standard (typical) size motor put on this boat? If I were to order this boat what size motor would you recommend?


What pontoon configuration does it have? 2 toons - Ellipticals or 25" with strakes or without, or 3 toons - SPS, ESP, Express (3/4)?

The 150 is absolutely the sweet spot for a 22-24' pontoon. The only choice above where it might be a little limited, depending on how you use it, is with ESP. You'd rather have just a few more ponies for that configuration. Otherwise the 150 should be great.
Ours has a 150 but no ESP. If I were to buy a new boat it would have a 250 on it. If you load up any boat with a lot af folks and stuff, it will slow down. Our boat with the 150 is great though.
ESP package, right? I have a 2013 2275 GCW with ESP and a 200 on it. Plenty of power for me. I'm at relatively high elevation and I range between 33 and 40 mph WOT depending on the load. And that 33 is a HEAVY load. If you were building your boat, I'd say go with more power with the ESP since you're spending so much extra on that tube config, but buying used, I think you're fine. If I hadn't gotten a crazy deal on mine, I would have probably done SPS with a 150 and I'd be totally happy. 
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Need to know what tube setup it has and intended use and speeds your wanting to cruise at to better answer this. 150 is the minimum I would ever recommend but having a 22 foot esp with 60 gallon fuel tank I wish I had a 250, I would recommend a 200 minimum on an esp tube package.
Looking to make offer on 2013 2275 RCW. Have  posted concerns and appreciate the feedback. Last concern is that of motor size. This boat has a Yamaha 150 four stroke. The test ride with wife seemed to be fine, but boat is rated for 14 people. What is the standard (typical) size motor put on this boat? If I were to order this boat what size motor would you recommend?


I am guessing with a capacity of 14 it must have a three toon set-up of some kind. I have a 2375 RCW equipped with the Evinrude Etec 250 G2. I absolutely love the power and performance.
In my opinion, 150HP is knot E nuf. I would get the largest HP motor they offer, but that's just me.

Cheers, Steve
Thanks for responses. Yes it has the ESP. Not sure about fuel capacity. We plan to use it to pull tubes and ski. Majority of time will have 2-6 people on the boat.
You'll be fine.
Thanks for responses. Yes it has the ESP. Not sure about fuel capacity. We plan to use it to pull tubes and ski. Majority of time will have 2-6 people on the boat.
 A 150 on a 22 foot ESP boat leaves a lot of performance potential left to be enjoyed especially when cornering with a load while tubing. The 150 does fine straight line but trying to pull hard corners and it falls on its face real fast.

I would upgrade to a minimum of a 200 if wanting to be a bit aggressive when tubing with more than 4 people on it. If you can swing it go with an SHO V-6 over the 150 4 cylinder.
 A 150 on a 22 foot ESP boat leaves a lot of performance potential left to be enjoyed especially when cornering with a load while tubing. The 150 does fine straight line but trying to pull hard corners and it falls on its face real fast.

I would upgrade to a minimum of a 200 if wanting to be a bit aggressive when tubing with more than 4 people on it. If you can swing it go with an SHO V-6 over the 150 4 cylinder.
He's looking at a used boat.
Thanks for responses. Yes it has the ESP. Not sure about fuel capacity. We plan to use it to pull tubes and ski. Majority of time will have 2-6 people on the boat.
I have a 2275 GCW ESP rated for 14 people and 250HP  that i bought used. I currently have a 150 yam on it with just over 200 hours and regularly load it with 10+ mixed adults and kids. Can cruise comfortably 15-20 mph within the 4000rpm range loaded this way. A bigger engine would just cost me more in gas LOL  We tow knee boards, tubes etc all the time with no issues.  
2003 2275 RL 140 Johnson preparing for the Tampa Bay Gasperilla Pirate Invasion Saturday. Maxing pirate crew capacity with 4 adults 6 Stienbrenner HS and 1 mini dude. Never had this many on board, comments?image.jpeg
Pics are mandatory! Sounds like a good time. Make sure you have all your safety gear on board and don't expect to be hot rodding around! What is your tube configuration?
I go out many Saturday Nights with 10 - 12 adults, you will be surprised how much the boat slugs to haul that many but we generally cruise at 5 MPH at night.

BTW that is one Beautiful Dock area