Bad news


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Michigander living In Palm City FL
So I got a call today that my Grandma has stage 4 lung cancer that has spread to her lymph nodes and bones. She is 78 and one of the sweetest women in the world. My Grandfather died back in 96 and they would always take us to stay with them at their home in Oscoda Mi. To be honest most of my great childhood memories involve them. They took me and my siblings fishing, out to pick wild blue berries, golfing, boating etc. (I even have my grampa's old 12 gauge shotgun)We were always doing something outside. Fast forward to a couple years ago and our family began to fall apart. My dad is a fun guy who is there for you one minute, then an aggressive sometimes physical a-hole the next. Needless to say I told him I was done with him and haven't spoken to him (or siblings who idolize him) in over two years. You could never disagree with him or have your own opinion and that gets old. I don't care if your 100% right or wrong, I think it is very sad when people can not control themselves, look at the big picture and realize we're all different, all have are own opinions, ideas and are on this planet for a unknown limited amount of time. I essentially removed myself from that environment as to not have that around me, my wife, or any possible future children. I can handle the verbal, raise your hand and it's game over. I didn't want to be around that any longer as I knew it would eventually come to me fighting my way out of a corner and I didn't want to have to live with that. With that said there was a lot of collateral damage along the way, I distanced myself from my grandma as she was still in contact with him, I've only talked to my mom once basically to tell her I'm not going be around that behavior/mindset. I did talk to my grandma months ago and talked to her about the family issues and she completely agreed with me and what I was doing. It was nice to have done that prior to all this. I talked to her on the phone earlier today and it was nice to hear her say I love you and not to worry that she knows how I feel about her. All I can say is I hope we all take time to remind our selves how short and precious life is. We always think we have all the time in the world to change who we are, try something new and the reality is we often don't. I hear all the stories about families coming together and fishing etc and it breaks my heart as I want that so dearly and am currently unable to have that (at least with my family, my in laws are the best and have been an absolute life saver, I cherish every minute we have with them and have recently began fishing with my father in law) The good news is that I am learning this early in life, and will use the experiences had thus far to guide me into the best person I can be. My grandma loves my meatloaf so I told her we'll have her over soon for a boat ride and dinner. I could hear the excitement in her voice. Sorry for the sappy post but I had to get this off my chest. If my embarrassing family issues can help inspire just one person to improve on themselves than this post will be worth it. So thanks to all for being part of my Bennington Family!!
Sorry to hear that about your Grandmother. I lost my dad, both grandmothers, grandfather, cousin, and uncle to that nasty disease. Everyone has baggage and we're no exception. You have to do what you need to do to stay sane.
Thanks for sharing and I'll keep your Grandma and family in my prayers. I lost both parents to cancer and have another close relative in hospice stage 4, with a few days left, as I type. I moved in with my Dad for the 2 months he had left, to be his hospice caregiver while he was sick at age 78 too. It was a good experience for both us and taught me a whole lot about many things.

The older I get the more I realize our relationships are all that we have and we should try to cherish them for what they are, no matter how limited or even damaged. Everything else is just stuff. I also realize others have as many tough problems as I do, just with different names.

Of course, we'll look forward to hearing what a joy that boat ride with Grandma was! And pictures or it didn't happen ;-)
Thanks Carl and Tom, I'll post pictures for sure of her out on the boat
Best of luck Andy we will keep you in our prayers. As you said life is short do your best to make the most of it. God Speed
Sorry to hear that Andy. Cherish the time you have with her, and hope that maybe it will be an eye opening for the others in your family to make amends. I didn't talk to my mom for about 10 months for the way she spoke to my wife and her constant "side taking" with my brother, whom I didn't talk to for 2 years. He sounds much like your dad, it's his way or no way, and if you don't like it, he just stops talking to you. Which I believe is why my mom always took his side, she could never stand it even if she couldn't get a hold of him for a few days. Apparently, she didn't really care about not talking to me! Haha, all is good now, my brother is still my brother, always have to watch what you say. Although he would never be violent with me cuz I could kick his butt! Actually, that's how we started talking, I tried to be the bigger person and open communication when he was here visiting my parents, he got snotty and I told him I was going to put his head through the wall. I'm not a violent person, but don't push me. Haha sorry, didn't mean to run my own story, but I am happy I was able to mend the bridge with my mom, she has just finished her second battle with cancer, luckily both were caught quite early, and now I get to have a relationship with my niece who was born during our non talking time, and she is a funny and beautiful little girl.!!
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Thanks Derrick, I'm sorry to hear about your past family issues but helps to know I'm not the only one having to deal with this B.S. I just don't have any desire to make amends with my Dad or brother. They have both treated my wife like garbage and I won't tolerate that or put her back around that. We tried for over 4 years of being married and it was us trying to make it work every time. Our marriage has improved greatly without that negative influence around us. We are able to make decisions for ourselves and it has been great. When you completely live your life based on what others want, you loose yourself, your goals and your identity. I don't tell others how to live their lives, don't do it to me. I like to get advise when I ask for it, or if I'm about to walk out in front of a train. My mom is stuck as she is married to the guy, and my brother chooses to have zero spine and agrees with everything my dad does/says. My sister still lives at home and is definitely forced to drink the cool-aid if you will. Oh well it is what it is I guess. When I talked to my mom for the first time two months ago for the first time I told her exactly where I stood and why. What's ironic is the bits of advise he has shared with me during the years is what is keeping me away. 1)Always do a periodic self analysis and make sure your the person you want to be 2)if 1 person thinks your an A--hole you might not be, if 20 people think your an A--hole, your an A--hole. My, dads two sisters, his Mom (my grandma until recently for obvious reasons) me, other family friends have all stopped having any type of relationship with him. When I brought this to my mom's attention she just replied that I was right. I'll continue to keep them in my prayers and maybe one day a miracle will happen and all will be good. I'm just not going to hold my breath and stay in a holding pattern until then. I have a new Benny to enjoy!!!!
I think you have the right idea, I stood by my wife, and so should you. Oh, and I MIGHT think your an A hole, but don't know you well enough yet, I'll let you know. Haha jk. Take care, and as long as when you close your eyes at night you have no regrets, then you did it right that day, shoot for the same tomorrow.
I think you have the right idea, I stood by my wife, and so should you. Oh, and I MIGHT think your an A hole, but don't know you well enough yet, I'll let you know. Haha jk. Take care, and as long as when you close your eyes at night you have no regrets, then you did it right that day, shoot for the same tomorrow.
A faster way will be to find 19 others!!
Haha, a guy with a great response like that can't be an A hole in my book!! Sounds more like a guy I'd sit around and have a whiskey with!! Haha
Haha, a guy with a great response like that can't be an A hole in my book!! Sounds more like a guy I'd sit around and have a whiskey with!! Haha

Tentatively August 24th... LOL
Open house at Bennington
Sorry to hear about your painful family problems. Hope everything works out for the best. Really enjoy the time you have left w/your Grandma. Be sure to put a smile on her face as well as yours....................Life is way to short................
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Sorry to hear about your Grandma. They are special and she sounds like she's a jewel. Also sorry to hear of your problems with your family. I have been very fortunate as my family has always been very close. Yea, we've had our problems but have always been able to overcome them. My wife's family on the other hand is a different story. She has basically done the same as you and distanced herself from them. My family has really stepped up and help made up for her loss of her family by making her one of us. Just as your in laws have done. Best of luck to you and prayers for your grandma.

God bless.
Thanks everyone. I'm also looking for applicants to fill an open position of Forum is similar to a God Father but with Bennington/boating knowledge!
Do not wait to have that meatloaf dinner with Grandma. Tomorrow may be to late. Trust me on this.
Do not wait to have that meatloaf dinner with Grandma. Tomorrow may be to late. Trust me on this.
I was just going to say that.

I'm an RN and I had a patient and his wife come in to see me just a few weeks ago on a Friday. He was so skinny he looked like someone from a Nazi concentration camp. I knew after a short time of assessing him and listening to his story/issues that he most likely had lung cancer that had also spread. I ended up being right. To make a really long story short, I did some lab work on him. I called them back that afternoon after I had the results. I told them both to enjoy the weekend but that I wanted them to go to the E.R. on Monday based on the labs I got back from him. He was admitted to the hospital and after numerous diagnostics (CT scan, etc) he was indeed diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer that had spread everywhere. The day I saw him and his wife he could walk, talk, eat (although that was already going south) etc. After being in the hospital for only THREE weeks and then discharged home (on Hospice), I called them for a standard post-hospital discharge call. He was completely out of it, on oxygen and morphine.....just waiting to die. His son was standing next to him and the patient was lying in a hospital bed in their house.

That happened that fast. Randy is right....don't wait on that meatloaf.
Thanks everyone. I'm also looking for applicants to fill an open position of Forum is similar to a God Father but with Bennington/boating knowledge!
Hmmm, I'm thinking Carl or Gerry, or Ericscher are your best bets, although I haven't seen Eric forever. Hey Link, sign into your peeping satellite and tell us what Eric is up to these days!! Miss that guy, he could always make me feel dumber than I already am when it comes to boats!! Haha