Bad news

Andy, I'm sorry to read this. I wish I had the words to provide comfort. I lost my Grandmother Thanksgiving day 2010. I was the closest to her of all the grandkids. She had to go into a home at 91, only for the nursing, as she was still sharp as a tack. She was there for 5 years, and if it were not for my Mother, my wife, and I, she would not have had many visitors. I saw her more in one month than most of her grandkids saw her in 5 years !!! She was fine and 2 days before Thanksgiving we got a call that she had gone into organ failure. On Thanksgiving eve, I talked my mother into going home and rest, as the nurse told me it was just hours away, and I did not want my mother there when it happened. As hard as it was being there, I sat in a chair beside her bed (with my other brother beside me) and held her hand. I held her hand and she knew it was ok, it was time for her to be at peace, and she passed around 5 am. I had to make the call to my mother, and that was not easy, but I am comforted knowing I was able to prevent my mother from having to be there when it happened, and that I was there, and my grandmother did not pass alone. Spend as many waking moments now that you can, and make as many memories that you possibly can while you still have time. My grandmother helped raise me (single mother) so I have a zillion memories, but if I could turn the clock back, I would have found time to make a zillion more.

Thanks Smitty
That is also a very touching story. I must say, we sure do have a lot of stand-up people on this site. It's like we are all Benningtons. Loyal, hardworking, honest, trustworthy, dedicated, and always there to try to help.
Lakeliving, our prayers are for your Grandmother and your family. Amazing how many families have been effected by cancer, my younger brother lost his wife to lung cancer in 2001 when she was only 41 leaving behind her two daughters in addition to my brother
It is horrible horrible disease. I lost a friend at 17 in high school (lost his arm at 15), my boss's son was 8, numerous friends in their 40's, my brother in law was 35 with three kids ....... I do have some survivor friends, but that list is short .... :(

Sad, scary, and angering part is, it does not matter ... young, old, white, black, male, female .......
Like others have said don't wait too long for that meat loaf or the boat ride. Takes lots of pictures to put with your memories of the good times with your Grandmother. It seems like all families have some sort of issue. If more people would live by "Don't sweat the small stuff" this world would be a much better place. Until you're faced with your own mortality or losing a close relative, friend, etc. you have no idea how short our time on this earth really is. I have a very rare mutated gene that causes multiple kinds of cancer. My daughters have it and possibly my grandchildren will be diagnosed with it. I can either sit and feel sorry for myself or I can choose to go out and enjoy life.... I have chosen to enjoy my life and not let the negative take over.
Update: My Grandma was able to come over last week for dinner and a ride so here is a pic to prove it! Looking forward to many more with her as she said the lake air helped her breathing.
That'll make a great memory!
That's one that needs to be framed.
I'll get some better ones with her. My wife's foot is in that one! Thanks guys
Just crop it. It's a nice pic.
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God bless her! She looks fantastic and looks so at ease on your boat!
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Being with family is the best medicine in the world
Lake air helped her breathing, but quality family time helps her heart. Happy you made it out.
I think, deep down, this is why we all own a boat... Close quarters, good friends and family, lots of good memories...

If you're out there reading this, and trying to decide whether to get a boat or not, the posts in this thread are the reasons.
well said gentlemen
Just wanted to provide a quick update and let you all know my grandma passed yesterday. Our prayers were answered and she did not have to suffer long. There was only 4 days between her being able to drive herself to the senior center to play bridge and her passing. My wife and I were able to see her Saturday afternoon and it was evident there was not much time left. I was able to say my good byes and join her in what ultimately ended up being her last meal. 

In the past months since I started this thread she was able to go on the boat a few times and really enjoyed it. She was also excited about the new one coming as well!! My wife and I had dinners with her and I would also pick her up and take her out to breakfast for some good quality grandma/grandson time.

I feel the world lost an angel yesterday but heaven surely gained one.

Thanks all.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
