Bennington calendar


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Michigan Center, MI
If they don't make one they should.  I would have one at home and in my office.
I'd be interested aswell
Definitely in
It's not swim suit season but I can model the banana hammock for the month of March... Or we're you guys thinking something else??
It's not swim suit season but I can model the banana hammock for the month of March... Or we're you guys thinking something else??
You aren't referring to Borat are you ?
Haven't seen it. But probably what I was referring to (as a joke by the way!)
Bennington should do the calendar using supplied owner photographs

They can choose which is appropriate and would be a great way to get everyone involved.

Food for thought

I can see it now a Benny in a SPEDO.
Ohhh, that'd be tough to pick the cover shot out of all the great photos on here!! I have a personal favorite of course! Haha :D  
Yes ..... Here's June

Our GTO club actually does this every year. We all send in pics and they try to use one members car for each month.

If we get more than 12, they just arrange a couple on pages as needed.
Sounds like a great idea 

Lets see what the powers to be think !

Hope its not just a catalog with top of the line boats only

I would like to see real people enjoying the boats 

Jumping from the boats, fishing, tubing

Family gatherings , etc.

June would be better with the Benny in the background (lol)
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Wow I didn't expect THIS much interest from everyone.  The thought came to me as I was sitting at my desk at work and was looking at my classic wooden boat calendar and thought how great it would be if Bennington had one with different model boats on it.  Let's hope they make one....soon.
LOL, guess posting that was a mistake
Pics of club members boats, I'm in
I don't like this idea...

...I LOVE IT!!!!!!
You know. Some care needs to be taken. There are some things that you just can't un-see.
I emailed the Sulliivan Group ( they are the company that operates the Bennington storefront ).

If enough of us email them ,perhaps  they can make it happen.

When I receive their response I post it  here .


"You have contacted Sullivan Group, Inc. and we handle promotional products

only.  You can contact Bennington at 574-264-6336,  I do not have an email
for them.  Thanks! "

I think that is an odd response ,since I got it of the same site where I bought some shirts & hats 
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