Buying a New Towable for your New Boat?


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Added to my wish list ,just in case 
We have never towed anything but if you have to worry about patching it I am not sure I would want to lay out the kind of money I see some of those towables go for
what kind of towable is that that need patching? I will stay away from that when I shop for mine for the coming season.
All of them.
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Agreed. It's all of them. Put air in a big vinyl bag and leaks happen. I just ordered a bottle as well.
I dont pull anything but have some for the sand bar 
I'd be most worried about getting a hole in my towable at a sand bar.

Excuse me.  I meant slit, not hole.  And no Derrick, that's not misspelled.

What I find happens is the kids stand on them (or elbows for the heavier teenagers) and the vinyl creases and a slit occurs.  I've yet to have a hole (again, Derrick, that's not misspelled) it's always a slit (not misspelled either) that I get.

Have you ever had an air mattress that was not folded up nice and neat, and when you unfold it, you see little white crease marks in the vinyl?  Same thing happens to towables.  All it takes is a heel or elbow buried in a soft tube (Derrick...) and you end up with a slit.  Every time.  The crease pinches a slit in the vinyl, and you go flat.

I find if you keep your tubes as hard as possible, you don't get as many slits which is counter to what one might think (wow Derrick, all kinds of material for you here).  Creases in the vinly don't happen as often if the tube is pumped up hard, only when they are soft.

I think it would be worse on a beach when there is sand underneith and someone stands on your tube.  That's when you get a slit on your tube.

Again, I've yet to glue a hole.  Only slits. 

One other point, tubes seem to stretch when they get wet.  So you have to pump them back up after about 30 minutes of use or so.  Otherwise they get a little soft, then you end up with a slit.  Not what you might think, but that's what happens.
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Wow, I had to log off three times just to get through that last post without making some comment about how you don't get slits when it's hard, and people standing on your tube in the sand!!