Emergency Boating


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Sounds like lots of new boaters buying new boats this time of year...

Just thought I'd mention something I do for those that have day jobs like me.  This isn't for the retired guys that have their boats tied up in their backyard (grrrr....someday that will be me).

I keep a half-sized cooler in my SUV all summer with the following ingredients:

 - T-shirt

 - Shorts

 - Sandals

 - Towel

 - Various cans/bottles of beer, pop and water

 - A bag of Gardetos

 - A Walmart bag in my desk at work

When I'm looking out the office window all morning at a beautiful summer day and I'm feeling a boating emergency coming on, I fill the Walmart bag in my desk with ice from the machine at work and head out to the boat at noon!

Can't wait for summer to get here...
How much call ahead time does the marina need to get the boat in for you? Might want to add radar detector to the list.

Great advice 

I've always thought every Friday should be a half day if a work day at all

Friday's are meant for the trip to and the shopping for the weekend at The Lake 


And for those who are considering retirement , this is a piece I wrote for Cabin Life......

Everyone looks forward to the weekend, the long holiday weekend, or vacation time. Unfortunately for most taking two consecutive weeks off for a vacation (holiday in Canada) is unacceptable. Corporate America frowns on time off. The saying "Work to Live" has become "Live to Work" while working for a Fortune100 and others. After serious consideration, I have made my choice. I no longer need to dread a Monday morning, work yet another Saturday or beg for time off. My weekends will last forever and my nights will end when I choose to end them. Living what I consider The Cabin Life 24 /7/ 365 is what appeals to me from this point on. Boating, nature, camp fires, stargazing, photography,friends and family is what life is about. I may not see you in Europe or drive a BMW, but I will be on my deck, lake and boat enjoying life on my terms and loving every minute of every day from this point on.

Retired 4 years and loving it !!

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How much call ahead time does the marina need to get the boat in for you? Might want to add radar detector to the list.
An hour. Takes me a half hour to get there. But on weekdays at noon, when everyone is at lunch and only one guy is at the marina, he's more than happy to wait until I get there and just back me in.
Pittsburgh... What about Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday?
Pittsburgh... What about Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday?

That's called retirement 

When I worked, I was lucky to get a Saturday off most weeks 

Sundays were half days !!


With more SNOW on the way 

I am thinking of SPRING !
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Once I got to 25 years of service ,I  was getting 6 weeks of vacation a year  ( not including comp time )  when I retired in 07 . I was always told, use it or loose it .

I always tried use them around the holidays .Get a full week out using only 4 vacation days. My boss didn't like it ,but he had no say over my vacation time .
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All right Kaydano I even googled it, General Mills makes it but what is a gardetto?
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How disappointing, always have to pick through it to get the few good parts
I still get chastised for picking through them  :eek:
Rye chips are the best.
YUP!    :p
And...they sell rye chips seperatly.
Once I got to 25 years of service ,I  was getting 6 weeks of vacation a year  ( not including comp time )  when I retired in 07 . I was always told, use it or loose it .

I always tried use them around the holidays .Get a full week out using only 4 vacation days. My boss didn't like it ,but he had no say over my vacation time .
I had 4 weeks vacation time, they limited you to one week at a time and asked that you 

just cashed them and not take the time off. It use to be great before 9/11 after that it 

just became a nightmare. Getting out early was the best thing to happen.

When I was hourly 73-84 ,they would pay you for your hours you did not use .

When I went to salary I had to use it .

When you were forced to use  9 days in July for summer shutdown . 

They had a hard time telling me I couldn't take 2 - 3 weeks for deer hunting .
It's baffling to me that vacation time isn't more of a priority in the US. I have a lot of traffic on my website from Germany, France, etc. from people who come out every year and spend weeks in the southwest exploring and living out of rented RVs. Many of them have explored and know more about the southwest than most of the locals! The emphasis on vacation just seems much greater there. I had my workaholic phase back when I ran a busy restaurant where vacation time was a struggle, but I guess the wanderlust is contagious because now the majority of my work is more like most people's vacations. In fact, I think I feel a boating... errr 'work' emergency coming on.  :)
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Mario Savio summed it up at UC Berkeley on Dec 2 , 1964

“There's a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can’t take part, you can’t even passively take part; and you’ve got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers,upon all the apparatus, and you’ve got to make it stop, and you’ve got to indicate to the people who run it, the people who own it, that unless you’re free the machine will be prevented from working at all.”
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