For the older guys: Have your prostate checked.

Hang in there Carl, as you're not the Lone Ranger.  If men live long enough, a large percentage will have the same thing.

I cannot express the importance to have yearly physicals--including a complete blood chemistry workup, the PSA test AND a chest X-Ray. 

My wife has a great doctor who gives great physicals.  She had a questionable PAP smear, and attended to it immediately. They did laproscopic surgery for uterine cancer, and she's 7 years clear.   If she didn't take a proactive role in her healthcare, she'd be dead today.  

Our niece wasn't so fortunate.  She hadn't been going to the doctor periodically as she was living in France and England.  When we were visiting her in London 2 years ago, she was going for a doctor's visit.  We buried her 5/2014.  Had she been watching for signs of problems and had been in the American healthcare system, she would be with us today.  She was 45 years old.

Fortunately, prostate cancers are usually very slow growing.  Many aren't even treated--depending on type and age of the patient.
Not cancer related but my wife's best friends 4 month old daughter is in ICU at U of M on a ventilator with one fully, one partially collapsed lung, pnemonia and something else going on. She's been in there over a week with no improvements and it is a struggle just to keep her going at this point. Heart breaking.  

You never know when your time will be up so do what you can and stay healthy, and like mentioned above, get checked out.

Looking forward to some good news soon Carl.
When I got detected it was through PSA that was increasing each visit and got up to 6. I was getting examined every six months. In one year it had started to climb. Get over "4" and watch it VERY close  Dr. wanted to know if I could knock a frog off a log with the stream I told him "Ha Ha"  I couldn't even reach the log. Operated the next month.  Knock on wood I'm a two time survivor with a melanoma caught two years later. TOO much sun. Stay positive Carl, Great things are done today so that we can live to play with our Bennies.
Best of luck Carl!! I'm not sure if this is true, but I've heard that new Bennies help combat the disease, Crimson Red especially! Something to do with the PAD's disease affecting every cell of your body, it doesn't leave anything for Cancer!  I'm sure I read that in a journal somewhere!!! :D
Praying for a quick and effective treatment.  Take Care Carl!
Good luck Carl, we're all wishing you the best.  You'll get through this!
I wish you well Carl. Keep us posted. And thanks for the warning.
Carl, best wishes for quick mend.