Fuel System Winterization


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I see there are two schools of thought on fuel system winterization:

1) Use/drain all the fuel before winter. That has GOT to be easier said than done.

2) Fill the tank completely, add stabilizer, and leave it that way for 6 months. That just feels wrong (maybe I'm not trusting the stabilizer enough).

I'm in the Midwest, and it hits 20 below or so at least once each winter, in case that's a factor here.

Looking to see what the majority on this forum does with their fuel in the winter...
Both methods work, but in my opinion, keeping the fuel system full is best. That way you don't get condensation in the tank, and you keep the system 'wet', no drying out of seals, hoses and o-rings. Whenever fuel dries up, it's going to leave a residue behind. Be sure to follow the directions on your fuel stabilizer to insure you get the proper protection level. As i said, that's just my opinion ;)
I have to agree with Geoffrey and Brenda. Keeping it full is the best idea IMHO. I have used Stabil Marine formula on all of my boats and never once had an issue with its ability to work. The key is to use the recommended amount in a full tank, then run it for at least 20 minutes through the system. That keeps the ethanol in your fuel from turning into varnish. Refill your tank again and add additional parts per gallon of Stabil to fuel tank to prevent ethanol from absorbing condensation.
I have always filled my tank and just added stabil. I do try and use ethanol free gas but I have winterized with 10% ethanol and have never had any problems. We rarly see 20 below in Kansas City but we do have our share of sub zero degree weather.
Full tank of fuel and the recommended amount of stabil marine here for the freezing northeast
Put stabilizer before last time out. Leave whatever gas is left in tank, usually less than half. Next spring fill with fresh gas and fire up. I have never had any problems with condensation. I have been doing this with all the boats I've owned since 1987, and all my lawn equipment for my lawn business.
Well, I live in Canada, so we're talking -45*C I always do the filler up and stabil so u don't get condensation. The biggest problem with the 10% ethanol, is ethanol acts as a detergent and it will actually loosen any crap from cheaper fuels and pull it through the engine. So sometimes it can clog fuel filters. The other problem I that it will actually separate the water from the fuel, which is why you don't want any condensation in your tank because at some point, straight water will be pushed into your engine.
I usually fill up at the end of the season, betting the fuel prices will be higher in the spring, plus I have an extra reserve for the generator if something crazy happens. However, enthanol in the fuel is really hard on internal parts, as I have seen on the carbs on waverunners which have always been stored properly with Stabil added. The guys on the Verado (Mercury) forums swear by running the fuel out before storage.

From my experience, my Lawn Boy is 35 years old( bought it new)and I have never had to do anything to the carb, or engine ever, and it starts first pull every year(except probably not this next one since I wrote this). My Secret: I always let it run out of gas at the end of the mowing season, then wash it/put it away. I do this with all my portable engines and it works for me. Haven't decided how I am going to store the new Merc.
Filler up with gas and proper amount of stabil has worked for me on my last 5 boats.
Well, it's unanimous that you all leave fuel in the tank during the winter. All but one fills the tank completely. Glad this question didn't start at big fight...

Another easy decision for me because of all of you. This forum is flat out the best forum I've run across on any topic. Thanks for all the comments.
A marine mechanic that works our lake advised me to NOT use Sta-Bil in a Yamaha, but to use Yamaha brand. I have used Sta-Bil for years with great results but now I am having second thoughts. Any other mechanics have input?

I am also going to add the 10 micron water filter to my rig.