Got caught on the lake today.....


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North Carolina
Quick wife and I went out on the lake today w/ neighbors on their 20 ft. Sweetwater w/a 70 hp Yamaha. Had a nice lunch and floated around for a while. Chance of rain today was only 20%. Well that 20% kicked our a--!!! The storm came up on us quick chewed us up and spit us out! Try racing back to their boathouse against the wind, against sideways rain, and good size waves, w/a 70 hp........we hit 11 mph! Never thought we'd get back! We were soaked to say the least..........

Anyway this is your chance to tell your story of the big storm you were caught in or........Almost........caught in.............

Anyway this is your chance to tell your story of the big storm you were caught in or........Almost........caught in.............
... or why 3 tubes and plenty of horsepower is a good thing  B)
We raced a good rain back to the dock after a great fireworks show, started sprinkling as the show ended and we hammered down back to the dock, think it was about 4 miles in total dark at 20mph. It was my first time out at night to. It came a cloud burst right after we docked.
Got caught in a pretty good storm last weekend. While most ran for cover, we battened down the hatches and rode it out with a couple of other pontoons. A little redneck ingenuity with a beach umbrella from Costco to stop the sideways rain and we turned a bad situation into one of the best days on the lake! Shoot, the kids and I were dry and sound asleep within 15 minutes of the first drop.
My son-in-law's parents are dairy farmers (retired) and are new to the whole idea of vacationing (milk cows don't have vacations). We had them up to our beach house a few years back. We moored on the most northwest part of our lake where the western sky is obscured by hills and trees.

We were having great fun swimming, chilling and etc. All of a sudden, the biting flies showed up. I know what that means. I ordered (I'm the Captain, after all) for everyone to prepare to head back to the landing.

We headed east at WOT and sure enough, as we looked behind us to the west, we saw huge, black and rumbling clouds coming in. We reached the launch, got kids off the boat and BOOM, the storm hit.

To this day, my daughter's father-in-law loves to tell the story of how I can predict the weather based on biting flies.
Never got caught in the rain on the boat but did once on the seadoo.  My friend and I went for a long ride and were about 20 miles from home, the storm came up quickly and we were going all out trying to beat it back.  In the distance you could see the curtain of rain and as we reached it at 70mph I can assure you it was painful prompting one quick slowdown.  We laughed our heads off as we got pounded the rest of the way home
I've always make it a habit to check the radar to see what is coming before going out. Plus we are on a small lake so it is super-fast to get back to the house. The only fun storm/rain story I have is when my now wife (girlfriend at the time) were going up to her family's place on Glen Lake. I looked at the weather forecast right before we left and it looked like we would miss any storms so we load up in the dune buggy (yes it is street legal) for the 4+ hour drive. Once we get about an hour and a half from home the sky is turning black. This is a problem as there is no top for the buggy! We race into a store, pick up a couple ponchos and get back on the road. Some decent rain and winds came but we just pushed through it and finished the trip. It was after dark before we made it to the cabin. It was a good time and one I will not forget. For some reason she married me after that so I guess it wasn't that bad. We had beautiful weather on the way home and she just slept. Pretty impressive considering the stinger exhaust puts out some decibels.
I have never been in a dune buggy but they look like a blast, didn't realize they were street legal as well
Several years ago when my kids were toddlers, we came out of a creek into open water and right in the path of a very fast moving storm that literally lifted the bow of our pontoon out of the water and bent the frame of our bimini top. Probably the most afraid I have ever been regarding the safety of my family. I always check the radar now for any chance of bad weather.
I hate when my boat gets wet ,,,,,,from the rain!!