Got it!

When you see all the heads turn to look at your boat you will see how definitely fancy it is. Enjoy!
It's a great boat! Like was said, it's a Bennington. That's the thing about thus site, doesn't matter if it's an S or a Q, we're all excited to see pics!!! Part of the fun is everyone's excitement about the new arrivals. Not to mention your wallet, (or huge bank loan for some of us) doesn't dictate how much knowledge a person has or can contribute to the forum. Or fun smart associated comments if that's all you have. They are all appreciated. Congrats! Oh, and went by my lake yesterday, still not a single open spot in the ice. Don't think anyone will be out for May long weekend around here!
Thanks Everyone, I think we are really going to enjoy our 'new toy' and it is perfect for our family. We will be using it a ton for fishing and went back and forth between this one and a FFX, but this one won out as it was a Tritoon not just 2 tubes. Bill, it is a express performance package with Sea Star Steering, wish it was ESP... maybe next time? :p We will primarily be up on Sakakawea around Beulah Bay or Pick City. Maybe do some fishing downstream, not sure though as have not seen any pontoons at the tailrace??
I will keep my eyes open for you this summer, I frequent that area a lot myself.
She's a beauty, we chose the bronze too. Even though its cold, you might want to spend some time at home looking at everything. There were a few things that needed fixing that we didn't see when we picked it up. It's nice to find them and have them corrected before your first trip out. We took ours back yesterday and are hoping to make our first trip to the water next weekend. We think the Benningtons are awesome boats, welcome to the club.