Heads up, Michigan boaters.... new order affects motorized boats

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I read that this morning .Im not happy .
Other states toyed with this level of specificity and most backed off. Obviously recreational boating is huge in Michigan during the summer season, so this will be interesting. I feel for the water LEO's there, very difficult situation.

Florida started out vague on it after initially having a mess with the beach and sandbar raftup crowd. While many state and county ramps are closed, they backed off and clarified what is permitted, so law enforcement at least has something to judge it against. No more than 10 on a boat, no raftups, 50' distance between boats. Generally in our area, people are abiding by that, but it only takes a few knuckleheads to screw it up.
The new Stay at Home order in Michagan also bans traveling to your owned vacation home.

That doesn’t make sense at all.
We had been up to our cottage the last two weeks. However, with only one day to pick which house to “shelter in place” at due to the updated shelter in place order in Michigan, we packed up and headed downstate to our actual house yesterday (Fri). Just more space and flexibility for the kids.

We are currently scheduled to get our boat from winter storage on May 16. However, if this current order in Michigan gets extended as it is currently worded past April 30, that will obviously change.

Given the toll C19 is taking in Michigan, I get it. Don’t like it, but I get it. Hoping as many people as possible can weather this storm and come out the other side okay. Stay safe and healthy everyone.
It's worth a try! LOL.
I just don’t know what to say to insanity. So i won’t write what I really think.
We’ve been living this for weeks now. Our docke were to open April 1. Weather hasn’t cooperated anyhow, so I don’t feel so bad not being able to boat. The only drawback of stay at home is, i now have no excuse for those hone-do lists the wife has ... :p
Seriously, it’s been a huge adjustment for me, but my parents are in their 80’s and I am lucky to still have them. I won’t take any chances with mine or others.
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That is not a common sense move. Boating can provide distancing as long as certain rules are followed such as no rafting up, number on board. NY closed golf courses as well so Michigan politicians aren't the only boneheads
Golf courses are closed here too .
Public Golf courses in Michigan. Private can still operate. cash buys some stuff.

can’t buy a child car seat in Michigan since it is non-essential, lawn guy can‘t cut lawns, tree trimmers can’t work, construction workers can‘t construct, I can’t run my boat on the water, but liquor stores are open (my request), as are 100% of government employees. so distancing works, but don’t treat us like 2 year olds.
Public Golf courses in Michigan. Private can still operate. cash buys some stuff.

can’t buy a child car seat in Michigan since it is non-essential, lawn guy can‘t cut lawns, tree trimmers can’t work, construction workers can‘t construct, I can’t run my boat on the water, but liquor stores are open (my request), as are 100% of government employees. so distancing works, but don’t treat us like 2 year olds.

To be fair, the child car seat item above is a social media hoax in Michigan. You have a political proxy group pushing it, and Megan McCain thought it was true, and she pushed it out nationally. Not taking a position here, just pointing out the misinformation aspect.

The sad thing here in Michigan is people can just read the EO and FAQ’s online. The amount of misinformation, especially on N. Michigan FB pages I’m a part of due to our cottage location is insane these days. Drives me crazy....
I agree with the insanity. I work in healthcare (not front line, but doing the projections) so know the benefits of social distancing. We have actually been one projecting a very low number, (well low compared to others) and its all due to social distancing, and people actually behaving, that makes it work. And it has to date, and I pray it continues, but Governor Whitmer is still going overboard (well actually she can‘t right now as she can’t go out on a motorized boat, and wouldn’t be caught dead in a row boat) with the restrictions. The car seat issue was real in at least one Walmart as interpretation of restrictions (and store layout) is up to store managers to rope off. what I’ve seen locally is a tendency to limit traffic in most of the store (which makes sense)....so I’m not surprised if some are cutting off access to things others feel are “essential”.
OK, this one went off topic and got too political. Stay safe and warm out there folks. We want to see you on the other side!
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