Help! Gord's polish is making it flat black!!

I have never heard of applying gords with steel wool.
Marvel melts it just like gords does, however it doesn't get it all like magic or anything. A guy came walking by as I was buffing the nosecone and says he takes his stock trailer and boat to a truck stop about 25 miles from my house. Claims they spray it with a chemical and it comes out shiny. I called them and they confirmed that it removes the oxidation and pitting, but not necessarily leaves it polished. I ask "what are your hours of operation?"......"24/7" he now that is convenient....I only have one toon polished so I am going to take it over there in the next couple of days and try it out on the unpolished log and see how it looks. I suppose a guy could leave it like that and sharkhide it or it is an awesome polish prep.
Yeah I haven't called to see for sure but someone here told me there's a truck stop that does the same thing (I-94 between Ann Arbor and Jackson, MI but closer to Ann Arbor). Might have to call them next season.
That is how Gord wants you to apply it....0000 steel wool
I thought using steel wool on aluminum or stainless is not recommended in general due to the potential for transfer of fragments from the steel wool. I've heard over time those small particles will rust and compromise the stainless or aluminum's passivity.
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Don't know about the steel wool issue...just following Gord's application recommendation. Went to the truck stop last night and they did the brightening wash. Looks pretty good, just isn't polished. Easy though. ...I'm going to sharkhide in this condition as polishing is to time consuming. $25 at Blue Beacon
Update...sharkhide has done its job. Been out numerous times and toons are retaining the acid washed off whitish color. No brown stains or water line marks.