I'd love a black Corvette with red interior. But on a Bennington? Hmm...


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I found these photos on Facebook. Looks to be a 2020 QX.

Thoughts on the color combo?

Black & red Bennington.jpgBlack & red Bennington #2.jpg
I am not a fan of red interiors in anything. Too 1970’s-80’s for my liking. To each their own though.
My gto had a red interior.
I actually really like it. Last year I sat in a new Lincoln Navigator with the same color combo and it made me smile. Reminded me of interiors I had fond memories of as a kid. You‘re either a fan of red/burgundy guts or not. Not many people are indifferent I suspect. I’m a fan!
Not my style
Yes please. I’ll take one. That’s a thing of beauty!
Seems like that could get pretty hot in the sun... but, I wouldn't turn my nose up to it.
That is the same color as the bow rider I saw. I can see how some people would love it. I would get over it quick I believe