Just Checking


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Anybody Anybody Anybody Anybody Anybody Anybody Anybody?

(whispering) Just checking to see if anyone else was still here. If not, guess that Mayan calendar thing may have been right, just off by a few days.

Seriously, it sure have gotten quiet around here. Guess everyone is busy with the hustle and bustle of the Hollidays.

Let me be the first to get it out there and wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from North Carolina. It looks as if we'll have to learn to speak Russian for all the new members we've been getting. :p :D
Carl, I swear I've been nailing 3-5 a day !!!! I usually get 2-3 at 5 am, then 1-2 in the evening.

I did one just now.....They don't stop ???

Quiet because I'm in boat withdrawal........ :(
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Carl, I swear I've been nailing 3-5 a day !!!! I usually get 2-3 at 5 am, then 1-2 in the evening.

I did one just now.....They don't stop ???

Quiet because I'm in boat withdrawal........ :(
I used to get up at 5am, but now I don't have to. :D
Yup Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Virginia!!!!!!

Went down to check on the toon in under roof storage last Wednesday on an absolute gorgeous day.............Gave the side panels a good cleaning and waxing so I'll be all set when spring time comes around..................
I am having boat blues too.......Mines is all tucked in her shed waiting for spring

I just love her......Happy Holidays all !

Ron from St Louis
I've had beavers build a nest on top of my front float on my lift. My bunks are mounted cross-ways and except for where the tunes are sitting on the boards, they have completely chewed them off. Carpet and all, gone. Trying to trap them because I don't want to put a bullet in someones condo or boat. Steve

When we first bought our boat the wire leading to the transducer was cut or so we thought...............The marina apparently had a "muskrat" problem and they had found out that 27 boats had their transducer wires chewed in half. They trapped 4 of them and had them relocated..................
Evening Carl, From lower, slower Delaware...

Looks like we dodged the Mayan bullet. Now its just a matter of the managing the pain until boating season. Boat's under shrink wrap but I manage to climb underneath next to the engine, go up and crawl around on the deck. I do that 2-3 times a week. Is that natural?
I go up under the cover every once in a while with the toon on the lift but not 3 times a week. I think you might have a problem. :D
Depends on what you are doing in there Stowaway :rolleyes:
Guess that's no worse than a half hour drive, uncover toon, sit on boat, eat dinner, cover it back up, drive half hour home ..... Just to eat dinner on boat ???? Not to mention the $12 bucks in fuel from my HEMI HOG !!
Not to mention the $12 bucks in fuel from my HEMI HOG !!
Oh, quit whining...

You wear that fuel consumption like a badge of honor. :p :D

Merry Christmas & Happy Chanukkah to everyone and may the New Year be better than the Old one.
Oh, quit whining...

You wear that fuel consumption like a badge of honor. :p :D

Merry Christmas & Happy Chanukkah to everyone and may the New Year be better than the Old one.
Yes, that's true.....every time I stomp the throttle I get a big old smile on my face ....... ALMOST as big as when we get to enjoy riding our Benny :)
Yes, that's true.....every time I stomp the throttle I get a big old smile on my face ....... ALMOST as big as when we get to enjoy riding our Benny :)
This statement is completely true.....he grins from ear to ear when he hits the throttle in his Hemi & in the Benny!! :)

How do I know? Because this is his better half!! :) :)

Happy Holidays!!
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This statement is completely true.....he grins from ear to ear when he hits the throttle in his Hemi & in the Benny!! :)

How do I know? Because this is his better half!! :) :)

Happy Holidays!!
Well not so much from hitting throttle on the Benny ...20 hp don't get it .... But the Benny does make me smile for other reasons .... :)
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Well, welcome abourd Panthergirl. Its nice to have you here. Maybe you can help keep him in line.

@eric: Could the new year be any worse than this year has been? We are in our second year of drought here. Our homelake is so low now, we only have one active ramp. Boating with us may entail pullin down to the ramp parking lot and sitting in the boat and looking at the water through binoculars.

Well see.
Hope the drought doesn't last. Our lake was down about 2 foot all summer. We have a terriffic watershed so when it does rain we can recover fairly quickly. Gerry
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Hope the drought doesn't last. Our lake was down about 2 foot all summer. We have a terriffic watershed so when it does rain we can recover fairly quickly. Gerry
On an ironic note to the drought, here locally we have a hydroelectric plant that was built in the 1890's and has never been real profitable (old inefficient equipment).

So last year they started construction on a new 2.5 megewatt plant across the river, costing over 25 mil. to build, it is now complete, new adjustable dam gates and all.

Only problem is, there is not enough water flow to even run one turbine of the old plant with out draining the head pool in one day!

I sure feel bad for them, and i hope winter/spring brings lots of precipitation!