Lost & Found


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Lake Tulloch Ca
I launched the boat last week. When I was un hooking the bow strap as the boat was in the water I looked down in the water and saw a Trailer License plate. I picked it up and put it in the back of the truck.

I was about to post “Found license Plate” on my local (Next Door App) but just before I did I took a look and my trailer Plate was missing, Hummmmm better check my reg to make sure I’m not posting my own plate,

Sure enough I found my own Trailer lice plate. :) the plastic tab that holds the plate on Broke and the plate fell in the lake. I decided to add a piece of wire as a tether so if it breaks off again I will not loose it only takes a second. 65826FD8-330A-4CE3-AF87-503708845997.jpeg
That's the best idea ever!!! I lost my plate once..
Im sure the plastic got week from dunking the boat in the water to fast, The plate is mounted FLAT and when you enter the water fast im sure it puts lots of stress on the plastic plate holder and bends it and over time Boom! Im sure a Stainless wire with nice crimp ends would be a better set up but I was in a hurry and this was better then nothing
My license plate was stolen from my trailer (or fell off wink wink) in storage the first year we moved to NC. Haven't replaced it yet. We put the boat in the water in the spring and take it out in the fall. No more extensive trailering like we did in Virginia.....
I get it! Then you use the trailer registration sticker on your car! Probably saves you $400 per year in car registration fees. Nice!

Wait, weren't you a cop before you retired?
I had almost the same experience a couple of months ago. Found a plate in the water and fished it out. Was talking to a friend later that day who said he was going to the Motor Vehicle Department because he had lost his trailer plate. The look on his face when I handed it to him was like...o_O
I get it! Then you use the trailer registration sticker on your car! Probably saves you $400 per year in car registration fees. Nice!

Wait, weren't you a cop before you retired?
Ha! Yup. Never registered it. 3 miles to the ramp 3 miles home....