Maiden Voyage!!!


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Picked up my new 22 SSLX yesterday and despite the 19* weather, went straight to the lake to get started on the engine break in. Got about an hour and a half in and couldn't wait to see what the top end speed with the Mercury 115 4 stroke would be. It GPS'ed at 28 with just me and half a tank of gas, and would easily hit the rev limiter. It came with a 13 pitch prop, so as easily as it was making the rev limiter, I have ordered a 15 pitch. I always like to have a spare prop anyway. The way it spun that 13 yesterday, I believe it can get the 15 close to max RPM and maybe gain 2 or 3 more miles an hour, putting me around 30-31....I do realize though that outboards run a little better in cold weather....speed was not the reason we bought it though, otherwise, I would have gotten a tritoon and 150. What I will say is this, I almost bought a different brand boat until I seen the Benningtons at the boat show and decided I wanted that rear facing double lounger....MAN I am glad I didn't buy the other one. The fit, finish, and overall quality of the Bennington seems much much better!!!!!  We are SO READY for summer!!!!
I love the large single rear lounger too. Once my wife saw that layout she decided for us that the sslx would be our boat. I have to agree that she made a good choice
Congrats and let the fun begin (regardless of temperature).
And where are the pics?????
Did he say 19 degrees?!? WTH......
That's dedication to go out in those temps. I would right now if I could.

Ditto on the rear lounger. My wife saw the "snuggle seat" and said that's the one I want. We've had 5 adults crammed into it once for a photo.

My daughter can fit four friends back there easily and they love using it. The tube blows up nicely there due to the extra room. I often lie on it on my stomach with my head by the motor and knees bent and feet up by where your head normally is. It also gives more room by the ladder since everything is pushed to the other side. Lots of uses....
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Is there a way to get email notification when there is a reply to your thread. I set something in my settings that I thought would do that, but it didn't happen.
By the way, I think Beeteam is our first prop tweaker of the year! Always a fun topic. You might check into the mercury spitfire. I was impressed with the acceleration compared to the black max.
Is there a way to get email notification when there is a reply to your thread. I set something in my settings that I thought would do that, but it didn't happen.
Yes, it works for me. You can get all posts that way. Keep trying....
Did you purchase from Lookout Marine?
I got the prop tweaking bug from my Allison days. I ordered a Solas Amita 15" you have any info on how the spitfire would compare? I will try the Solas first and if not satisfied, may try that spitfire. I'm actually happy with the 28 mph the 13 pitch got me, but it gets all over the limiter quick, so I figured why not try the 15.......may use whichever prop based on the load I'll be carrying.
Still working on those photos........

It's been a cold winter here in MI and I'm getting stir crazy. I need to see some boat on water action asap!
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I Love The Benny


I Hate The Cold 


Thought I would go to the lake today and get a couple more hours break in on the motor and try the 15" prop......yeah......Right!!! By was I surprised!!!

I'm sort of excited... I get to go see my boat this weekend. Yeah, it's in a shed, yeah it's (-17 F), blah, blah, blah. But, honestly, I have not seen her since November... 
I seen mine today for only the third time!!.....even got to pull it 2 miles to the ramp and 2 miles back to storage once I seen the hockey rink that used to be a lake.....I am TIRED of this #!!%#! WEATHER!!!!

It is supposed to be almost 50* Sunday at Cumberland and only about a 1/4 of it is frozen....I AM getting some break time on my motor and I AM trying my new prop.... And maybe I am moving from KY to Mississippi to get the #%!!?# away from 78 feet of ice and snow 378 days a year.......ok, I'm better now
Beeteam2557:  You my friend are hard core to go out on a 19 degree day for your maiden.  It was only 29 with about 4" of fresh snow on the ground when we picked up our new boat last year for it's maiden.  The salesperson thought we were nuts for going out on a cold day but after last winters wrath of 85+ inches of snow and sub zero cold I was ready for some lake time.  Hey the ice had been off the lake for a few days and we had the green light was BOATING TIME !!

Has that sqeaky clean brand new boat smell.......nothing better!
