PAD part 1 of 2 complete


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Michigander living In Palm City FL
The boat...has been sold with 51 hours on the clock! It is currently on it's way to NY behind the new owners truck. It was bitter sweet seeing it go as when we bought the boat the plan was to keep it for years. It turns out the handling and power just wasn't doing it for us and there was no way to modify our current boat to fit our "needs". I say that as a joke as no one needs a boat but damn are they fun! I knew it would be dangerous going to the club event and trying a SPS equipped boat with 200 hp but we wanted to really see how different it would be. (justify selling an essentially brand new boat and buy a more expensive one) And all I can say is wow. The difference was similar from when I went from a 1.9 liter Saturn to my 5,7 liter GTO. They both got me from point a to b but the GTO made those little hairs on the back of my neck enjoy the ride as well. The same can be said for our experience on the water demo. We took the bait, hook, line and sinker. So with that said. Yamaha, please include the new I4 200 in your next promotion so we can pull the trigger on the new order soon. And if anyone is reading this thread and considering a new boat purchase, really take the time to research what would work best for your intended use. Any water sports demand at least 150 hp and some sort of triton performance package. Also, do we only post pics when we get boats here or do I have to take a photo of my empty lift to prove it is gone????
I'm going guess you will need proof. They're a tough lot here.
Congrats, you're in exactly the right position at the end of the season to get exactly what you want for next year! Take your time, get a great deal, and don't be afraid to improve and improvise along the way.
Sniff sniff, I'm so proud of you guys!! haha I've been dropping hints to the wife that if we took our boat back to the dealer for winter, he could probably haul it to the boat show and sell it there, I'll be honest, she wasn't 100% against it! Haha its frigging ridiculous to even think about though! I don't even want to think about how much money we would lose, not just on the boat, but all the stereo gear too. So did the dealer work out the sale for you? Or did you just post it for sale and make it happen?
Wow Andy, you must REALLY want that new one bad. At least Derrick ordered one BEFORE he got rid of the other...... ;)

So being in Michigan, have you checked all the dealers within resonable distance to see if there are any leftovers that interest you?

Maybe you need to make a drive down here to Pa. ....... :D

She's actually on sale for $64,995 !!!! 250HP on her !!!! :wub: (AND includes the trailer)

Oh yeah, I can relate to the GTO thing ... we had a Grand Am GT which was pretty quick, but the GOAT, it's insanely fast...... :blink:
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All right Bulldog look what you have started. Happy for you Lakeliving, take your time and good luck!
. So did the dealer work out the sale for you? Or did you just post it for sale and make it happen?
We sold it ourselves. It sucks loosing money but I'm pretty happy with the final price. Bennington's do hold their value.
Wow Andy, you must REALLY want that new one bad. At least Derrick ordered one BEFORE he got rid of the other...... ;)

So being in Michigan, have you checked all the dealers within resonable distance to see if there are any leftovers that interest you?

Maybe you need to make a drive down here to Pa. ....... :D

She's actually on sale for $64,995 !!!! 250HP on her !!!! :wub: (AND includes the trailer)

Oh yeah, I can relate to the GTO thing ... we had a Grand Am GT which was pretty quick, but the GOAT, it's insanely fast...... :blink:
That is a really nice boat but outside our price range. I haven't scoped out all the dealers near by as ours dealer has been great with the first boat. Plus I'm not sure they'll have what we're after. And as for selling the boat before we ordered the new one, I roll a little more financially responsible than Captain Derrick! (Just messing with you Derrick!)
Where did you list it?
Where did you list it?
It was on craigslist but the posting has since been removed. I had another buyer lined up if the first buyer fell through. The guy brought cash and it was a done deal!!! And Bruce there is no antidote for PADS!
There is a vaccine. It happens when Jill's A/C goes out on her C70 convertible. The new to her G37 convertible is being picked up in Jacksonville, Fl tomorrow. That will slow down the PADS.

Did get a response from our dealer about the hybrid top as seen at the show. Bennington will not sell it as a replacement top. They don't know if it will work on the older boats. IMO, they are so busy building new boats that to spend the time to test it for the few tops they might sell doesn't make business sense.
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In my opinion they have some improvements to make on it first before I would get it. I thought it just bolted the rail was a little weak. I sure swayed back and forth touching it, I know the regular top does as well but it is not a $2500 option. Enjoy the G37! A buddy of mine had a 350z that was fun to scoot around in...until that pedestrian ended up on the hood. (foreigner at MSU didn't understand where to cross on a campus st.)
I agree with the amount of movement. It does create a very new look. I did like that you did not have the big weight penalty of the towers. They will fix it or create something newer.

What I will enjoy is the smile on Jill's face. It was the only hardtop convertible we found that the golf clubs will fit in the trunk. The turbo C70 was fast but this car is nasty quick. Might have it by the weekend to play with!
Good man making the wife happy! Hopefully the 200hp will put a smile on the wife's face when we get it!
I agree with the amount of movement. It does create a very new look. I did like that you did not have the big weight penalty of the towers. They will fix it or create something newer.

What I will enjoy is the smile on Jill's face. It was the only hardtop convertible we found that the golf clubs will fit in the trunk. The turbo C70 was fast but this car is nasty quick. Might have it by the weekend to play with!
That makes me laugh! I still remember when the 350Z first came out and I had a Nissan Murano at the time. I was in getting an oil change and was checking it out. I opened the trunk and there was a set of pictures and instructions on how to put your golf clubs into the trunk! Cracked me up!
The dealer up here in Petoskey ,has a few left overs ;

Prices are mid way down on the right .

If you want the 200 hp they may be able to swap one out .
Nice going Andy, If it was just Bulldog I would have blamed it on the Canadian Whiskey but now that you did it I just spent the last hour building boats and looking at Bennington's on Boat Trader to get a feel for pricing
I called Yamaha today to see when they are going to have the next promotion and their lips were sealed, In one month it will mark the 1 year mark of when we originally ordered the boat and there was a 6 year promotion going on then. He also said that they typically exclude new models from promotions for a year, thus the new 200 and 150 SHO have been excluded from the promotions this year. My fingers are so crossed right now it is making typing this post virtually impossible!
Nice going Andy, If it was just Bulldog I would have blamed it on the Canadian Whiskey but now that you did it I just spent the last hour building boats and looking at Bennington's on Boat Trader to get a feel for pricing
The whiskey makes you buy a new one before you sell the "old" one!!! And Link, think of that new boat smell, the excitement of waiting for it to come in etc!!
Ohh sure!!! When Derrick does it he's just a crazy Canadian hopped up on whiskey, but an AMERICAN does it and it's not such a bad idea after all!! Hahaha . The way I see it I was just trying to help my neighbors to the South, it's the Canadian way, the more Bennington boats that get bought, the more work for all the employees have, they're happy, so they are happier at work, which means they strive to excel at their job, which means they try hard to do everything to the best if their ability, which means we all get a top quality product!

So looks like Andy and I are doing our part, what's up with the rest of you!!! Hehe (Link, remember that glorious moment when you see the boat for the first time. The sheer joy of starting a new motor. The anticipation of getting those first 2 hours under your belt so you can finally cracks her open for those next 5 minutes knowing that you will have to wait 55 more to feel the amazing rush of jamming down the throttle, ahhh, pure ecstasy. You might as well)