"Pass It On"


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York, Pa
So yesterday afternoon, my Mom and niece and nephew came out for the day on the Benni with the wife & I.

We were headed back to the dock and I thought I heard someone yelling "hey"... kinda shrugged it off, but then heard it again, and saw a guy about 1/4 mile away waving his arms and yelling.

I started to head his way, at that distance could not tell if he was facing us or toward some other boaters out in the disatnce.

Well we get closer and lo and behold, he was out of gas. He was with his wife, and I assumed son & wife and their dog.

So I hook him up and tow him about 1/2 mile to the marina, unhooked him, jumped in, and pulled him up to shore line.

He asked what do I owe you, I thought for a moment and told him "pass it on" ........ "That's what we do" .... can't say if it was the "Marine" in me or the "boater" in me maybe both, but I felt really good about helping him out .... :) (I did take notice his "Quest" also came from my dealer, so I try to "represent" them too)

He did come over as I was climbing back on board and handed me a $20 bill, I told him to keep it, but he insisted I take it .... so maybe lunch today will be on him .... ;)
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Give a listen to Clay Walker's "Chain of Love". Very fitting.

I can't seem to post the link to the song this AM.
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Good story and a "feel good" moment, thanks for sharing it. I heard that song the other day and thought it was good, but couldn't remember the name. Glad you knew it Ben, I wanted to share it with my wife.

Good for you Semperfi!!! I have to ask though, with a 20 horse, how long did it take to tow him that half mile? :)
Nice going Semper! I'm under the firm belief that you will be rewarded somehow "many fold" for helping your fellow man. In this case a fellow boater! We were coming back from Lake Gaston (on the NC/VA border) one year when we had our bow rider. When we were passing through Richmond on 95 we had a blowout on one of the trailer tires. Of course my spare went flat after we changed it. A Virginia State trooper stopped to help us and he went way beyond his normal duty. He made sure my family was off 95. Took us to a local Firestone dealer and actually "cut in line" so to speak explaining the situation to the manager and had the tire replaced ASAP. Brought us back to our vehicle and CHANGED THE TIRE! I wrote him a lengthy commendation letter and requested that it be part of his permanent service file and sent him several gift cards for him and his family. I never mentioned to him that I was a fellow police officer but realized later that he must have seen my FOP plates................What goes around comes around.............
Good for you Semperfi!!! I have to ask though, with a 20 horse, how long did it take to tow him that half mile? :)
Who said I towed him with the Benni, I swam and pulled him along !!! MARINE CORPS !!! Lol !!!
Good going Semper. And I bet, as with most of us, it's not the first time you've towed someone in. :)
Nice story. You get what you give in this life, so good things are coming your way.

I can just see you with the rope tied around your waist, knife in mouth, swimming across the lake with both boats in tow! Oorah!
Well I did my good deed of the day. As I was out delivering, I came up to a set of lights and could see some smoke, light turned green and I hung a left to get to the house. The outside of the house was on fire, so I grabbed my cell and called 911 as I ran, the flames weren't too bad yet, it was mostly just the siding burning. I started banging on the rear door, ran around to the front and banged on the windows, all the while trying to answer the 911's questions. The stupid thing was the fire station was a half a block away, I should have just told her to tell them to come with an extinguisher!! So a couple other people came and were banging on the door, I was looking for a garden hose or a bucket, nothing, finally dumped some car parts out of a 2.5 gallon pail that was around back, couldn't find a tap on the outside of their house. ran over to the neighbors house to their tap, turned it on, no water, found another tap on the neighbors house, once again, no water!! So run back to the house on fire, now telling the cops all my info, and the back door to the house is open and a guy is there, his girlfriend comes down and an elderly fella. He has a frying pan that he is trying to fill up under the kitchen tap, but I have never seen such low water pressure in my life!!! It was on full bore and was taking about 20-30 seconds just to get anything worthwhile in it! I grabbed an empty 4L jug and started filling it, we got the fire out just as the FD was pulling up, I flagged them down, told them the scoop and carried on. Talked to the Fire Chief later, I guess the place had wood shaving insulation so they ended up tearing up a big section of it. I must say, the fumes from that plastic Mitten siding were pretty nasty, I had a hard time breathing a couple times when I was banging on windows and doors. The 3 people were all sleeping upstairs and had no idea their house was on fire. I have always had a lot of respect for fire fighters, My birth mother is a fire fighter, it's a tough job, especially since it seems like a lot of sleepless nights on call outs (ours is 95% volunteer I believe). Sure I stunk like smoke for the rest of the day, which was most of it since it happened at 9:00 AM !! haha, felt good to help out though. Next time, I'm just gonna boot down the door, would have saved a lot of time!
Wow!! That's something you don't hear of every day.Great job Derrick.
Way to step up Derrick !!!!!

This is where I recommend EVERYONE go out and buy a 2.5-5 lb extinguisher and keep it in your vehicle. It may not put a fire out, but it just might give you that extra 30 seconds that is the difference between life and death. I have one in every vehicle.
Way to go Bulldog
Nice job! But from you I expected the story to end up with you peeing out the fire and saving the home, inhabitants and contents from the blaze. Local paper headline "Local man and Bennington lover saves family with his pee"
Great job bulldog, proud of you. A lot of people would not have done what you did.
It probably sounds better than it was. I didn't do a whole lot, at least not a whole lot more than anyone else would have done. The house was not anywhere near 'engulfed' in flames or anything, mostly just the wall of the porch and a bit if the kitchen. Granted they were upstairs sleeping so it could have gotten worse, but I'm sure someone else would have seen it, that vinyl siding throws off some PRETTY black smoke!! But thanks.