Polar Plunge


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North Carolina
In the past few weeks my wife and I were asked to take part in 3 different polar plunges where a group of people would jump into a cooooooooold body of water (about 35 degrees) to raise money for charity. To make a long story short we just couldn't get ourselves to do it................

Has anybody on this forum taken part in one this year or ever and how was the experience????????
Can you just give the donation and pass on the opportunity?
That is also popular up here in the Adirondacks at different lakes. Can't imagine it is fun to do but it is great to watch. It is a lot colder then those taking the plunge expect, the looks on their faces and the scrambling to get out is a riot
In the past few weeks my wife and I were asked to take part in 3 different polar plunges where a group of people would jump into a cooooooooold body of water (about 35 degrees)
Uhmmm that's the mid summer temp here in Canada! Hahaha jk