Rain Rain Go Away............


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North Carolina
We very rarely go out on our lake on Saturdays (Too crowded and too many inexperienced boaters) but w/so much rain lately we figured........Gorgeous day let's give it a shot..............It was great for about 5 hours but the clouds started rolling in (We checked the weather and any showers/storms was supposed to be north of us) Riiiiiiiiiiiggggghhhhttttttt............! We made a gallant effort to beat the rain to our marina but it came in too fast and hard! We ended up stopping under a 4 lane highway bridge and tied up to a suspended rope left there by the bass fisherman. Thank God for that rope! It held us there until the storm passed..............I could still kick myself for not leaving early enough to beat it back and get the Benny out and back on the trailer..............Any other experiences like this???????????????
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Been there, done that ...... We carry some cheapo ponchos just in case it gets too chilly with the rain. I don't mind the rain, I just don't want my carpet getting soaked ........
Hey Daril, I remember that bridge. :p
Yup Carl that was the one! Saved us today..........Man never thought about swimming under the Benny during a storm. Ha! Carpets are dry............
It's Summers like this one that make you glad that your Smartphone can pull up Weather.com so you check the weather radar in real time.

We had a beautiful day, but terrible thunderstorms rolled through at dark.
Sunday morning 1036 hrs.............supposed to be a gorgeous day.............morning fog that's supposed to burn off and give way to sunny skies..........0% chance of rain................well, I'm packing up the Expedition to go to the lake and............IT'S RAINING AT MY HOUSE. Unbelievable! Hopefully it's just a quick isolated shower. Weather.com says 0% chance of precip and nothing is on the radar..........Must be seeing things.............
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Rain here too.
This weekend was beautiful in Michigan, upper 80's all sun, low wind. Not trying to throw salt in any wounds but us northerners have to brag the few weeks that summer is upon us! Glad you were able to weather the storm Daril
I've been under my boat (looking a something) when a wake hit. I wouldn't want to be under it in a storm.
No storm to weather today and can't believe that the lake wasn't that crowded for a gorgeous Sunday! Did have a little almost "Semper Fi" bad luck moment.......we get there to the storage yard at the marina to hook up the trailer to the Expedition today and my wife says........."Where's the hitch"? Oh man I then just realized that I took it out of the Expedition to vacuum the back and...............never put it back. So I figured I'd go down to Service and borrow a hitch............Closed on Sundays! So after unsuccessfully scrounging around for a hitch I was about to go home when I spotted an employees truck that had one and borrowed it..................WHEW!
I hope you didn't forget to put that one back.
It happen to me about a month ago, beautiful all morning, I take the boat out at noon, within an hour, strong winds and heavy rain. I rush back to the dock and load the boat, everything is soaked. Within an hour it was a beautiful day again. I was worry about the carpet not drying but it only took a couple of hours. I dryed everything with towels including the carpet and kept the cover off for two hours. I no longer worry about the carpet getting wet.
Floves, where do you boat??????