Rising Waters and the Self Cleaning Lake


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Rather than hijack that other thread, just thought I'd mention our lake is up around 25 feet due to rains.  The comment I wanted to make is to just warn others about all the crap that floats up off the shore (logs and branches) as the water goes up.  Just something to tuck away in the back of your mind.  I know it's been said here before, but worth saying again.  I went out when it was up just 5 feet and I've never seen so much debris.  I had to go idle speed for a little over a mile to get through it all.  There was no more that 5 feet between sticks and logs.  Looked like a swamp. 

But, once it peaks and starts coming back down, the wind typically blows all the debris up against whichever shore the wind is blowing toward, and as the water recedes the junk gets stuck on the shore.

Self cleaning lake!

Except for all the new trees that were once on the cliffs and have now fallen in the lake that is.  Mother nature does as she will.
Now that sounds pretty logical Jared.

By the way, have you been out on the lake the last few days? We were out yesterday. I wish the lake was always that full! For others reading this, our Corps of Engineers reservoir is up ~25 feet due to all the rain over the last month or so. Sorry California.
Nope, left my boat at the in-laws last week as we were at Rathbun last weekend. Going to get it today or tomorrow. Only thing that sucks is I can't walk to my dock. Here is a photo of my ramp.And I'll give $100 to anyone that can remove the boards in my center storage without removing anything or damaging anything.

Wow. I know I saw boats going in and out of there on Thurs... Maybe they were gaulking.
It's waist deep. You can do it, just inconvenient. The houseboat and uncovered docks are accessable by land.
It's waist deep. You can do it, just inconvenient. The houseboat and uncovered docks are accessable by land.
Just flying out of Des Moines this morning after a great fishing trip in South Dakota.  Looking forward to getting back to Florida.
Wow that is a lot of rain. Our lake is high as well this year....
Our Lake is also about 3' above normal, seems to be more so over the last few years.  Our lake is actually a reservoir that was designed for flood control here in the Capital District.  One of the advantages is the fact that in December they drain the lake very low to be ready for the spring thaw.  We have virtually no milfoil in our lake and I always wondered if that is a attributed to the lowering of the lake; does any milfoil die due to the lack of being in the water?