Spray boat wax


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Michigan Center, MI
What's everyone using on your side panels? I already forgot what I used last year.
I have used many waxes over the years.......Meguires......Turtle Wax.......Nufinish.......Mothers.......Zymol........Regardless what I use I still get the black streaks that run down from the cover after a rain........
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I have used Mothers & Nu Wax and really did not see a difference between the two waxes.  When I use the 303 and do my seats I use a micro fiber cloth.  It is usually wet enough with the 303 that the cloth is moist and sometimes I use that cloth to wipe down the side panels to get the water spots off and I have to admit that is when the side panels seems to look the best
I ended up finding the thread from last year on this....I used Eagle One Wax as You Dry.
I wash my panels with 50/50 vinegar and water, this gets the spots off and then I spray Lucas Slick Mist Speed Wax. 
+1 on eagle one wax as you dry
I prefer the Boat Candy products.  Speed Gloss, Vinyl Clean and their Platinum Finish spray wax are all good stuff.  I used it exclusively on my last fiberglass boat (Malibu) as well as my jet skis.
+1 for Hot Sauce. I use it like I stole it.
How often do you guys wax or wash the boat? I clean mine after every use but have not waxed it yet.
Wax inc a month with 50/50 vinegar & water In between.
Usually twice a year I put that Wax as you dry stuff on the side panels after washing it first with Turtle Wax biodegradable wash soap. Today I picked up a nice long handled terry cloth thing to more easily wash the side panels. Although I have already washed the side panels once this year (finally got to it 2 weeks ago), I will be washing again tomorrow and then applying the Wax as you dry for the first time this year...simply because the summer basically didn't start up here in Michigan until July 4th weekend....it has been either too cold or too damn rainy prior to that.

Someone mentioned getting the brown streaks on the side panels after it rains every time. I had that problem as well up until mid summer last year when I had a brand new cover made. Immediately put a coat of 303 fabric protectant on it to increase its ability to be waterproof and now....no more streaks after it rains. I'd suggest laying that cover out in your driveway and giving it a good bath with soap car wash soap and a soft brush. Then once it's totally dry hit it with the 303.
I use Wax As U Dry from Eagle One. Their regular stuff is very good, goes on wet or dry surface, easy to use, good shine, and lasts a while. They just came out with a marine version, similar to the regular, but with enhanced UV protection. The UV protection is not that big of a deal for panels, but important for composite items like helms, etc.