What would be involved in removing a Toon



The Neighbors bennington has a pretty sizable dent in the center of the toon. If the toon was removed you could drill into the top section and create a opening where you could push the dent out from behind ( paintless dent removal style) and re weld the hole up.

Anyone have a idea how long it would take and what would be involved?
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I think one problem with that is the tube is a lot thicker than say a door on a car. It's a great idea but I don't think it'll fly. And you'd need a good size hole to get something in there like a hammer.
You might could drill a hole in the dent and pull the dent out with a slide hammer. Then TIG weld the hole shut.

And you might could cut a hole in the top to get one of the special tools of the (dentless) trade to push out the dent.

But can they make the dent disappear?

Good aluminum sheet metal workers are pretty rare. And good old school body shop sheet metal workers are now also rare.

The jury's out on this one.
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Doing the Tig ect would require you to refinish the entire tube. Removing the tube and pushing out the dent could be done with Paintless dent removal tequnique's

So the Orignal question remains
Depending on size if dent, I've watched videos of a trick for dents that do not have major creasing. You heat it up real good with a hair dryer or heat gun, then spray it with condensed air used on computers. The dent "pops" back out. Might be worth a shot. Other than that you are looking at good couple hours to remove, cut access hole, pop the dent, re-weld, re-install. I'm betting good 6-8 hour job not factoring in getting boat set up to drop the toon. Most of the time i think will be dropping and reinstalling. I'd say a good rainy weekend job so you are not rushed.
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Semper; I'm pretty sure the Hair Dryer and compressed air videos your talking about are "Parlor Tricks" and even if they were real the Aluminum is MUCH thicker then any car sheet metal so it would NOT work.

Their is only 2 tequnique's that would work.

#1 weld a pulling stud or studs on the dent and then pull the dent the traditional way. Then refinish the entire toon

#2 remove the toon and push the dent out from the inside out. If the Paintless dent guy had unlimited access to top side if the toon and could drill a hole from the top into the toon I'm very confident they could COMPlEATLEY remove most dents.

The real question here is what's involved in getting a toon on and off?
Wow a lot of IF'S here. Semper on youtube there is a trick where you put dry ice on the dent on a hot day shrinking the metal and it pops out. But there again auto metal is a lot thinner than the toon. So I don't know if it would work either.
Yea You tube is full of Videos that are FAKE. People interested in getting the MOST VIEWS sometime fudge the facts in order to seem Amazing. People inside the car pushing on the dent from the inside making it look like (insert your tequnique's here) is working.

And like I said b4 automotive metal is so thin I don't think most dent removal tequnique's that can be used on cars like Suction Cup or Glue Gun will work.
I understand that automotive sheet metal is thinner and all that, and I'm NOT saying it will work on a pontoon, but the heat method mentioned is NOT a "parlour trick" it can really work. They say metal has a 'memory' and the heat allows it to return back to its original state, as long as no creases. As I said, I'm NOT saying it will work in the application, but don't discredit it.

Oh, and a hair dryer won't work, I've seen it with a torch, only thing to get it hot enough.
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Nuts and bolts to remove it. Should be pretty straightforward.
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I also stated it MIGHT work, but hey, what do I know ......... ;-)
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I don't know what I was thinking most people here can't even post a picture how was I supposed to expect advice for removing a toon!
Wow Gee, OK, let me answer your questions. For how long will it take, well, I guess that depends on who you have doing it. Someone as highly skilled as you who is able to post pics directly from their phone, probably no more than a couple hours to drop the toon off. Now as for fixing the dent, well we all gave you a bunch of different ideas, but you seemed to already know the answer, so I guess there was no point in asking. It all depends on what your neighbor wants to do. It seems as though none of us have had to fix a dent in one yet, which is why we were all just giving opinions. I suppose since you obviously haven't done it either, than you are just as 'dumb' as we are on the subject. So, put the boat deck up on blocks of some sort, use the search bar, it was all covered in people asking about sharkhide application and polishing, then get out your trusty crescent wrench or spring for a socket set and unbolt all of the bolts. The toon will then come off. probably want to put a couple of jacks (maybe the motorcycle types) under the toon to support the weight. Then to replace, well, do the opposite.There, question answered. Hope that helps! :)

Edit, Gee, not sure if your previous comment was meant in a joking way, or in a "I'm better than all of you" sort of attitude. I hope it wasn't the latter way. I admit that is how I originally took it. I know I enjoy your pictures and views on things, but if it was a cocky comment, then I for one don't appreciate it. This is a great site because we all check our attitudes at the door, and just enjoy each others comments / questions, and I believe we all TRY to answer to the best of our abilities. If your comment was in a joking manner, then I guess this edit is moot, which is how I hope it was.
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I apologize. Didn't mean to offend anyone here.

I think my time here Is done!
Oh Gee, I don't think there is any need to be so dramatic. Especially not over this. All anyone has done on here is comment at how beautiful your pictures are, how nice your boat is, and try to give what little knowledge they have about stereo stuff in my case. No one has ever said a bad thing about you on here that I can remember, heck when you got upset because of people posting silly pictures we all apologized and tried to keep it on the straight and narrow. I really don't see why you would make the comment you did, unless it was in a joking manner, which I didn't feel like you did, which upset me because I felt as if you were bashing the whole forum insinuating that we were all idiots. You'll notice that I did also put in that I hoped it was a joke, I guess if it was you would have just said it was, in which case there is no issue. So I hope you were just having a bad day and things came out wrong and you continue to utilize this forum to share your experience and beautiful pictures. I just didn't feel your comment was fair to the people that were TRYING to help you. Sorry if I overreacted.
Well said Derrick .... I'm biting my tongue on this as I don't want to fuel the fire, but both your comments above duplicate my feelings......
It's not like this forum is a paid subscription where we are trying to get our money's worth. We all share a similar interest and that is the love of our Bennington's. We all ask questions and need help every once in a while. And for those of us who are new and less knowledgeable on particular topics, we share what we know or "think" might work. I'm no expert on all things "pontooning" but I do know one thing, I've learned a hell of a lot more on this site regarding my boat/boating than just searching the damn internet. And this is all thanks to all the great people on this site. I know my posts probably come off as annoying some times and I stray from the topic at hand for a joke or witty comment but hey, that's who I am. And based on my post count and the number of fellow members liking those posts, it seems to be enjoyed (or at least tolerated :D )
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Very well said !