Winter wonderland .... Post up pics

This is nothing like your pictures, but this is what happens to us North Texas people when we get slammed with an ice storm! Thankfully our marina had the least amount of damage. Others were not as fortunate!
Wow, hopefully those ski's are ok.
Amazing the amount of weight ice creates. It'll sink a boat quick as it weighs it down till water starts coming in vents or transom...... I bet the boat insurance companies will be busy in the south !!!!
Snow Bunnies!!!!!! Best Winter Wonderland pic yet! Ha!
If this happens to offend anyone please reply ,and I will remove it asap.
And then you will be removed as a member....just kidding! This forum has always been family friendly which is nice. I'very been on other forums and the avatars can be pretty rough.
I'm offended there's only six chicks in the pic
So far so good ,no complaints or objections 
Reminds me of all the gals and guys on new years morning polar bear plunge in Jamestown,rhode island.
Beautiful picture, jsfb6pts.  But what were the circumstances surrounding your picture?  Were these Snowbunny girls part of a polar bears group?  And how did you just happen to be there to take their picture?  Or was their picture something you discovered on the Internet?

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I did not take the picture ,just stumbled upon it 
Such a picture might have made me "stumble" too.  LOL  