Awesome Photo's & No B.S!!!

My daughter's Victorian bulldog puppy, Florence, in her polka dot life jacket, enjoying a beautiful day on Clear Lake IN with us. She is our house guest for the summer, then goes back to college in Georgia this fall.

Hey Gee, I know these aren't boat pics, but since I don't have a boat right now, I thought it would be ok. This is on the way home from our lake, it's a National Park, so the wildlife feel pretty safe in it. Hope you like!

Awesome pics Derrick !!
Love the pics Derrick!
Heading home for the evening.

You're right Gee, I have to remember to take more pix especially when I am out cruising


Nightfall Lake Anna...................right! Actually this pic was taken in Hawaii on Waikiki Beach when we went last year for my retirement trip................
Eating lunch


Old steamboat

Remember the Eagle I posted this is the offspring . This is the baby Eagle that has left the nest. This is as close as we could get to him. it can take as much as 5 years for them to get the white feathers

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Wow Gee, yet again. I see this as a poster ad for Bennington. Maybe with the saying, "Bennington, we take you where others can't". Or maybe "Bennington, always a perfect picture"