Bimini sagging in middle at speed

I like our curved Bimini. It’s lines flow nicer with the curve of the rails.
The curved Bimini is great but unfortunately it looks like we have a couple of examples where the dealer did not properly install them.

Also note that the snaps put on the Bimini frame are dealer installed (at least ours were) to ensure proper fitment. Of course, that only works if they do it properly...

And also the need to install and demonstrate the rear center strap. It too is key to proper fit and function.
Interesting - dealer said that Bennington doesn’t do the rear center strap, that it would need to be custom. Does anyone have a source that says otherwise?
Ours came in a package that was with the boat from the dealer, originally supplied to the dealer by Bennington. It is a 2-piece strap and looks real similar to the strap that comes with the mooring cover that goes from the mooring cover around the Bimini.

Double-check to make sure you don't already have it somewhere and if not, the dealer should have one or can get you one from Bennington.

I've found that this new curved Bimini is a little different than what they are used to for many years with the old style. Perhaps some instruction/education from Bennington to the dealers is in order (assuming they didn't already get it and just ignored it).
Ours has the center strap between the two top supports as shown in yellow, and it was adjustable. On the side bottom strap towards the back, I added a new male snap on the top of the rail, on both sides and just pull the strap on around to the top of it and snap it. It pulls the bottom of the top much tighter. I just to do not have a pic of the top after, I did the snap.
IMG_2512 - Copy_LI (2).jpg
Ours has the center strap between the two top supports as shown in yellow, and it was adjustable. On the side bottom strap towards the back, I added a new male snap on the top of the rail, on both sides and just pull the strap on around to the top of it and snap it. It pulls the bottom of the top much tighter. I just to do not have a pic of the top after, I did the snap.
View attachment 21838
Dtaylor, I don't know if I'll do this correctly or not, but I'm going to try to add a picture of what I THINK is the strap you are talking about. (Never posted a picture before...this might be a bust!) Maybe when it gets warmer some of the other members will post pictures of their properly installed curved biminis and any "fixes" they've devised (like the placement of your male snap). I think perhaps gnc has something there with the need for instruction/education...from Bennington to the dealers...on down to the end user. I searched for a long time on the Internet for images of open Bennington curved biminis, and only found TWO pictures where it was taut with no side wrinkles and no swag.View media item 7817
If it ever stops raining, I'll pull ours out of the shop and snap some pics. Sorry it's been like Seattle weather here last couple weeks :(
Just happened to think that I might have an old photo on my computer and we're in luck.

This shows the proper fitment of the curved bimini fabric with proper placement of the side strap snaps. The red oval (look closely) shows the proper installation of the adjustable 2-piece strap (it has a snap hook on one end) that pulls the 3rd bow back towards the last (4th) bow. This prevents the rear bimini fabric from dipping downward at speed.
Just happened to think that I might have an old photo on my computer and we're in luck.

This shows the proper fitment of the curved bimini fabric with proper placement of the side strap snaps. The red oval (look closely) shows the proper installation of the adjustable 2-piece strap (it has a snap hook on one end) that pulls the 3rd bow back towards the last (4th) bow. This prevents the rear bimini fabric from dipping downward at speed.
That looks GREAT!!
Have you tried raising the front of your Bimini. Looks like the front lower brace needs to be adjusted more toward the middle. This would raise the front of the Bimini and may tighten the middle of the canvas. Look at the front lower brace position on dtaylo2954 and gnc1017 Bimini’s. Just a thought.
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Have you tried raising the front of your Bimini. Looks like the front lower brace needs to be adjusted more toward the middle. This would raise the front of the Bimini and may tighten the middle of the canvas. Look at the front lower brace position on dtaylo2954 and gnc1017 Bimini’s. Just a thought.

I’ve had to be out of town for a while and won’t be back to try these suggestions for a bit. Thanks much for all the info!! This forum rocks