Boat Flashlights


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Lake Tulloch Ca
Hey what is everyone using for a quick easy flashlight.  I have the opinion more is better in this department. And because I'm not going to be the only only holding or using it and it can easily end up in the water, I don't feel like spending $200 on a Elzetta flashlight to have tucked away in every cubbyhole :)   I have bought these cheep flashlights. I get them on Amazon. They have a Adjustable beam that works awesome Spot to Flood. They also have 5 modes like Low & High power & Strobe & SOS. You can get 2 of them for as low as $15 and the light output is great. And hey if they accidentally get lost or find their way to Davy Jones locker "Who Cares" 

$14 for 2 of them as of today!  

What are you guys using?
I keep a couple of cheap-o lights similar to those, probably something from the auto parts counter.  Also, a rechargeable spot.  
What are you guys using?

I will be using these now.  They look really nice, particularly for the price.  Thanks for the tip! 
It would be nice to find a mount for these inexpensive lights. Right now they just take up room in the various storage spaces and when needed you have to dig for them. The big bulky Mag Lights have a specific Mag Light holder. It nice because you can then mount the flash light in a easy to see and get to space. If anyone has a Idea or a source please let us know. 

These are all I have ever seen and these are for the Large Mag lights they will not work with the smaller LED lights I'm working with
It would be nice to find a mount for these inexpensive lights. Right now they just take up room in the various storage spaces and when needed you have to dig for them. The big bulky Mag Lights have a specific Mag Light holder. It nice because you can then mount the flash light in a easy to see and get to space. If anyone has a Idea or a source please let us know. 

These are all I have ever seen and these are for the Large Mag lights they will not work with the smaller LED lights I'm working with

There are a variety of RAM type mounts out there. Law enforcement people use them quite a lot so if you search tactical flashlight, lots of options.

Here is a source for one flavor Flashlight mounts
Tom thanks for the Link. But the RAM mounts are not the style I was talking about. I don't want to permanently mount or hold a flash light in a fixed position. Looking for somthing that holds the flashlight and it can quickly and easily be taken off and replaced. 
It would be nice to find a mount for these inexpensive lights. Right now they just take up room in the various storage spaces and when needed you have to dig for them. The big bulky Mag Lights have a specific Mag Light holder. It nice because you can then mount the flash light in a easy to see and get to space. If anyone has a Idea or a source please let us know. 

These are all I have ever seen and these are for the Large Mag lights they will not work with the smaller LED lights I'm working with

Here are different size clips:  CLIPS
cwag that's what I was talking about thanks. I'm not Intrested in drilling and screwing into anything on boat but Some nice 3M double sided trim tape will hold those down real nice.  On that note I use the 3M trim tape (this stuff is industrial strength) "as a try it out" thing. You can mount something and try it out and if you like it you can bolt it down or if it Dosent work out you can move it with zero evidence & try another location. Here it is. All trim tape is not the same. This stuff hold great.
Stream light Protac 3. 1200 lumens, 3 CR123 batteries. High/strobe/low. One tough light.
Hey I wanted to update my Orignal post. 

These cheep-0 flash lights are super bright and "worked" great. I say worked because both of them ended up having issues and both of them ended up broken. I blame it on the 5 way on/off switch. I became quite dependent on these bright little lights for night time navigation. Out here in california our lakes are nice and full and we have been experiencing higher then normal floating debris. Having a flash light close by is great so you can spot anything that looks out of the norm late at night. The thing you don't need is to grab a light and hit the switch and you have nothing. Well that's what kept on happing. I threw both away so I wouldn't be grabbing them in a jam and having nothing anymore. 

I decided the 5 way on off switch that takes you threw the different modes" that you don't need or want" was that cause of the problem. I bought a light that has a simple on/off switch. When going there amazon it looks like many of the different brand lights all use the same 5 way switch. I just went with one that didn't have the 5 way.

these lights "for the price" are un touchable. But if they are un reliable then what good are they? 
That's a intresting light and at 4000 Lumans it's 4x the power of the cheepo's I posted a link of. Honestly the cheepo's work or Provide quite a bit of light and I was super surprised at how well they worked for a $10 flashlight. The fact that your not afraid to drop or loose or give away a light is also cool. The buddy that turned me on to these buys them by the case and gives them away as Christmas presents. 
Costco has a two pack generic brand led for sale... bought one for the lake house and boat... really bright led beam that is adjustable... almost as good as my surefires that I use at work.
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After my last light failed and I threw it away. I posted my experience as a review on Amazon. Yesterday I was contacted by the company that sells or makes them. They offered me 2 new lights if I was to change my review. I told them send me the lights and if they are better and don't fail I will change my review. On Amazon You can modify your review. I plan to keep the review the same and update it that "I received replacement lights but the jury is still out" . At least the customer service is good!!!!  

Its funny how "customer reviews" are a large part of a Amazon Vendors business. Of all the bad reviews i have had to give this is the first guy that offerd to send new items no questions asked. 
After my last light failed and I threw it away. I posted my experience as a review on Amazon. Yesterday I was contacted by the company that sells or makes them. They offered me 2 new lights if I was to change my review. I told them send me the lights and if they are better and don't fail I will change my review. On Amazon You can modify your review. I plan to keep the review the same and update it that "I received replacement lights but the jury is still out" . At least the customer service is good!!!!  

Its funny how "customer reviews" are a large part of a Amazon Vendors business. Of all the bad reviews i have had to give this is the first guy that offerd to send new items no questions asked. 

Interesting! Glad to see you're not willing to totally change the review until you see if anything has really changed.
^^^ yes if they just send 2 new lights and they fail just like the Orignal ones did. Why would you change anything. Fake or in accurate reviews don't help anyone. I think many of the reviews on places like Amazon are questionable. 
That's a intresting light and at 4000 Lumans it's 4x the power of the cheepo's I posted a link of. Honestly the cheepo's work or Provide quite a bit of light and I was super surprised at how well they worked for a $10 flashlight. The fact that your not afraid to drop or loose or give away a light is also cool. The buddy that turned me on to these buys them by the case and gives them away as Christmas presents. 

Yes, my brother in law is a LEO, which is why I had originally looked at the Nitecore, for him seeing is living! For me to use to pick up dog poo at night is a little harder to justify!  Haha hence why I haven't bought one yet