Dented Toon during delivery!

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I was so excited to have the used Bennington I just bought delivered to my dock today when I heard from the receiving dock hand that there is a large dent in one of the toons! I am so disappointed! Apparently the guy who was transporting the boat stopped along the way to get a drink and either hit something or something hit the boat.

Any thoughts on how to fix or is the only real option to repair option to replace the toon? If replacing, any idea on how long it takes to get a toon during a pandemic? Maybe I get it repaired for the season and replaced in the winter. Feedback welcome.


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That should be a claim under the shippers policy. It was under their care and control. What a bummer. Looks like he didn’t make a wide enough turn.
I agree, hauler's insurance should pay to have it fixed.
100% above two comments.
Shippers insurance will only cover if the damage was documented during delivery.... once it’s accepted it’s gonna be real hard to get them to pay.
Holy crap that's more than a "dent"!!!
Ouch. That’s gonna be expensive as toons ship separately now. They used to connect to another toon being shipped but supposedly stopped doing that anymore. im guesstimating $4-5K range. I’d be pushing shipper to file claim.
Now you “might” find someone (body shop) that could maybe “pull” it and get it looking half decent.
That'll be a replacement for sure, as long as it was shown in good, un-dented condition BEFORE it started it's transport! Hopefully it was a reputable shipper who accepts responsibility.
Certainly a Bummer - but I would assume it still floats and thus works? Looks to be like he took a corner too tight...from experience.
Thanks everyone! I went to inspect the boat today and the dealer found another issue on the opposite toon. I am having bad luck! This one looks like it happened at another time. The dealer has been pretty good. On the dented toon he agreed to put on a brand new toon. On the other side, the crack is in the weld and somewhat under the toon. He thinks it is repairable. Plan is to weld up the one side and ensure it passes pressure test and let the dented side go for the season with a plan to replace the toon next fall/winter. Seems reasonable to me and allows me to use the boat this year. Any concerns?


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As long as they both pass a pressure test you should be fine. I would still keep an eye on them throughout the summer. I had a toon welded until it could be replaced. If the welder is good, it will be as good as new. Maybe even better in the spot he welds
Sounds fair, BUT, get it in writing!
It still looks like delivery damage to me! Maybe scraped against a concrete wall. My concern is how much metal was removed leaving it too thin and open to future failure. There’s a lot of stress on the back of a toon. JMHO
Thank you everyone. I agree that the scrape happened at the storage location. Otherwise the boat would of taken on water before it was pulled out for the Fall. The scratch did not seem deep but the crack was my real area of concern. The picture is not great but the scrape/crack is actually on the front of the boat where the log mates to the front angled section of the toon.
Update - so the dealer is standing by fixing the boat, which is great. In the mean time the dealer tried to fix the dented side by filling the toon with water and apparently (I have not seen it) it pushed most of the dent out. Has anyone ever heard of this fix method?
Never heard of filling a toon with water to pop dents. How are they planning on getting the water out since there are no drains and the toons have baffles between the sections?
Could suck it out with a small hose.
Never heard of filling a toon with water to pop dents. How are they planning on getting the water out since there are no drains and the toons have baffles between the sections?
The toon have Baffles! or Baffles? - I just keep learning here on CB, that is nice to know.