I'm shaving my head for childhood cancer ......


I will be keeping him in my thoughts. Go give him a big hug for me, and tell him it's from a "United States Marine" ... We can be big & bad when we have to, but we also have a big soft side .... At least I do..... :)
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Just an update to anyone who's been thinking about possibly donating, but has not gotten around to  it, todays the day,

and I am just shy of my goal by just a small amount.

$1, $5, anything is greatly appreciated, and thank you again to all that have donated.

Maybe todays the day the money makes it to the research center that finds a cure.

Just click the link to go to my donation page .....

Before .....


After .....

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Tally so far:

Event: The Cove

Total: 129 participants as of registration

$35,287 raised as of 2pm

Team Shaggy (my team out of 14 teams) raised $4280

We came in second for amount of money raised by a team. We had 8 people on our team.

The first place team had 12 people and raised $5905.

I want to thank everyone, with your help, I was able to raise the most money for our team at $1020.

Most people don't realize how passionate I am when I get involved in something (except maybe my wife &mom).

It was an amazing day. One of the most memorable, was a 7 year old girl, (her name slips my mind) with a beautiful head of long hair, and she shaved it off. I think a lot of people really saw the big picture at that time.
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