Most memorable moment?


Just some guy
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Dauphin, Manitoba
So just wondering if anyone can narrow down what their most memorable time on their Bennington or because of their Bennington was?
The smile on my 5 year old daughters face the first time out on the boat (water temps in the high 50's). We anchored, I let her sit on the back deck and put her feet in the water. Something as simple as that will last me a life time.
Wait until you see her face riding a tube the first time. Bring a telephoto lens. I wish I had the first time.

Those are my most memorable times - Kids laughing and screaming while tubing, and afterwards saying "That was SOOOO much fun!" My son comes back on board so weak from holding on to the tube he can barely stand up. But you can't wipe the smile off his face.

They love to run through the boat and see how far they can jump off the bow gate (one reason NOT to have the bow seat I thought I always wanted). They swim around to the ladder, run through the boat and jump off the bow over and over and over. Carpet gets soaked. It's a boat.

Parked in a cove, they like to stand on the tube and push each other off. Laughing the whole time. Never had a crying kid on the boat. Or one that says "I'm bored". Only a little whining when it's time to go, but only enough to let you know they had a great time.
I think we all "whine" when we have to go in !!! LOL !!!

I think ours is letting our mom drive ours right after we got it. Probably only ever steered a pedal pat before. She was so worried she would hit something. Geez we are in the middle of a 3-1/2 x 2-1/2 mile lake !!!!

She loves riding with the top up (she has to stay out of direct sun) ...

Making good memories !!!!
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My most memorable pontoon moments were when we took our young daughter, Elizabeth, on the boat, and she used the potty for the first time in 1989. We all clapped and said "yaaaa!"

Now, we're practicing the same thing with Elizabeth's 22 month old daughter, Brynley. We're saying "yaaaa" for her now.

It's like deja vu.

Pontoon/tritoon boats are great, great values in recreational boating if you take care of them, keep them dry and out of the sun. Our first pontoon is on its 27th Summer and perfectly servicable. But we've now gone on to our new Bennington, and we hope it'll be the last boat we ever have to buy.
I think mine actually wasn't on the boat, but more of the decision to buy a boat. I think for me it was a way of making a real choice of doing something that would be beneficial for my family, and my relationship with my wife, as opposed to making a decision that was good for only me (was going to buy a motorcycle, wife even said the classic, "Do whatever you want" line). I guess it would have been good for my relationship with my dad too, if I had bought a bike, then he would have someone to go riding with. Maybe someday, if only insurance wasn't so high on them. Over $2000 a year for such a short season is ridiculous.
With only six hours on the boat the best day was starting the boat for the first time at the launch and picking up the wife and in laws for the initial drive!. I would say another is getting involved in this forum. Without the Bennington I wouldn't be here on this site with all of you.
Wow. Had to ponder on this one a while as there have been so many. Memories are the reason I purchased mine as I remember the memories of going to the lake when I was a kid.

But since I have to have a favorite, I would say it was last year when my dad (82 yrs old), myself (56), my son (36), and his son (15) all skied together at the same time behind my Bennie. Four generations skiing together. My dad and grandson were on two skis and my son and I were we're on one. Was a little concerned whether it would pull us all up, but it did a great job.

Love my family and Bennie!
Wow. Had to ponder on this one a while as there have been so many. Memories are the reason I purchased mine as I remember the memories of going to the lake when I was a kid.

But since I have to have a favorite, I would say it was last year when my dad (82 yrs old), myself (56), my son (36), and his son (15) all skied together at the same time behind my Bennie. Four generations skiing together. My dad and grandson were on two skis and my son and I were we're on one. Was a little concerned whether it would pull us all up, but it did a great job.

Love my family and Bennie!
And that was a very cool video!
To date it was a 3 day trip in northern Michigan to Burt and Mullet Lakes, Indian River (that connects the two) and then going through the locks in the Cheyboygan River and THEN out to Lake a pontoon boat. It was my wife and I and two other couples. What a GREAT trip.

That trip may very well get beat out next month when the same 6 of us take my Bennington up to beautiful Torch Lake in northwestern Michigan. The sand bar on the very southern part is OFF THE HOOK crazy (did that 3 summers ago in a MUCH smaller (too small) boat. Because the boat was so small (my brother in law's) we didn't get to see much else of that enormous lake. However, this time we are looking forward to see the ENTIRE lake (thank God for a 55 gallon gas tank) and seeing all the big shot's houses at the north end including Michael Moore (yeah he's a jerk but still), Madonna, and Kid Rock. Cannot WAIT for this trip.
For me it is definitely a sunset cruise with our neighbors that last into the night, about 10 of us on the boat cruising at about 8mph. There is something about boating starting as the sun is setting and then turning to blackness with all the LED lights on especially the sidelights and underwater lights. The best part is we do it quite often, including this past Saturday
Every time we take ours out and my kids catch fish or jump off and go swimming. Just watching the smiles and laughter that it brings to them makes my heart swell up.
Great Video! Glad to see it again
Thanks Tom, Link, and Lakeliving.

Boy, reading everyone's memories reminds me of some of my own. Seems like we all have one thing in common and that is sharing and making memories with friends and family. I think it's GREAT!

Unfortunately my Dad will not be able to ski with us at our up coming family reunion. He just got over a bought with pnumonia and now has COPD. He's doing pretty good and is probably going to be able to attend, just not ski. He's already talking about next year though:)
My most memorable moment was during the purchase of our Bennington. We had pretty much decided on the black/java combination when I turned the corner at the dealers and saw the Amber Yellow pontoon. I had just lost my sister to lung cancer, my only sibling, a month before and her favorite color was yellow because it's a bright sunny and happy color. I knew from that moment that we would be the new owners of the "Happy Yellow Looney Toon" dedicated to my beautiful sister.
Thanks for sharing this, it's a great way to associate great new memories with the memory of her. Damn cancer. My mom has had a couple battles with it so far, hopefully that was the end of it.