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York, Pa
85 days till the boat can hit the water ...... just saying .........

I'l be updating the count periodically ...... :)
You need to move to a warmer environment Smitty. That way there's NO countdown. B)
You need to move to a warmer environment Smitty. That way there's NO countdown. B)
I heard that !!!! I HATE winter !!! Hopefully only 10 more years then south or west we go. :)

100 here! and the countdown begins...
Well, that makes me feel a little better, you have 15 more days than me !! (or 2 weeks, or 1/2 a month) Take your pick for which sounds the shortest ..... :D
96 days, if water is high enough
Keeping my fingers crossed ......... dock turnover is usually 30-40 people a year, and we are number 30 ....... uuuuugggghhhh ....... it's gonna be a long wait ....... :angry:

They said it will probably be early-mid April till we hear if we got one :(

Last two years it was mid May till the weather cooperated and we were able to drop the GillGetter in the water, this year it will probably be early March and weather will be awesome ..... yeah right ... :D

80 days to go ....
i have my fingers crossed for you SEMPER! eyes and legs too! its your turn! :blink:

i keep my boat in dry storage. i love it! they launch and retrieve, uncover and cover.

92 days to go...!
Well this weekend sucked .... never got warm, and drizzly rain all weekend ..... :angry:

Oh well at least it did not snow !! :D
Was 75 here yesterday but a crappy day. Overcast and windy so we didn't go out. It's raining for the next 4 days but we'll have more nice days before the true season.
Haha, I'm from Thompson, Manitoba, about 7.5 hours drive north of where I live now. It was -55 celcius this morning. I don't miss those days when you get square tires. Oh, that about -64 F I believe. Yup, and I used to walk to school on those days too!!
Dang, and I thought 30 sucked !!! -55 ..... Now that's brutal cold !!
Good News, Bad News... Just got the notice in the mail yesterday that my slip fee invoice will abe sent out shortly and payment due by March 1 to keep my slip for this summer. So, I can lock in my slip for another year! Bad news... slip fee is going up 25% for current contracts, and going up 50% for newbies!!!! Somebody must think the economy is improving!!!!
Good News, Bad News... Just got the notice in the mail yesterday that my slip fee invoice will abe sent out shortly and payment due by March 1 to keep my slip for this summer. So, I can lock in my slip for another year! Bad news... slip fee is going up 25% for current contracts, and going up 50% for newbies!!!! Somebody must think the economy is improving!!!!
Ouch 25% !!! I'm guessing insurance rates are now skyrocketing ....... everyone is going to start feeling the pain shortly.

I hope our State Park docks don't jump like that, actually I think I talked to them and it was "supposed" to be same as 2012. X my fingers....

I always had a theory .. if you raise a fee a certain %, then lose a certain % of members, at the end of the day you probably net the same number.

Only difference is you can cut on expense side, which typically starts with highest expense, which equals an employee, which possibly is the highest paid/most qualified ....... :(

Sigh ........ 70 and counting ........
Woot !! 51 days left ...... :D
SemperFi, I take it your date is April 1, that is generally the date we look towards also but usually something happens and it gets pushed back. Hoping the weather agrees this time but with todays forecast of 10" - 16" of snow it is hard to belive Spring is coming
Yeah, the 1st, but last 2 years was early-mid may till weather cooperated, you know "April showers bring ...." po'd boaters !!!!!