Well-Known Member
Broke my collarbone on Christmas Day last year. Played my first round of 2016 last Wednesday. It healed pretty quickly but golf wise it just hasn't felt right. I was afraid of taking a divot making contact w/the ground. Still going to take some time getting back to normal.....
I dislocated my right shoulder back in 2003 (MC accident). Shredded my rotator cuff and tore the bicep tendon as well as 3 muscles between my shoulder and neck. 3 surgeries later and of course it still hurts but my golf game is better. Probably because I swing half as hard. I don't recommend that to improve your game but it certainly helped me. I used to shoot 100-110. Now, I average around 90 with lots of games in the low 80's. Had two rounds last year in the upper 70's.