What is the meaning behind your username?

My first name is Chris, but a workmate once gave me the nickname in honor of Dilbert since we all lived in a cubicle zoo and detested corporate life.

Dilbert is the best! Me and another at work swear our offices are bugged by Scott Adams. I use the dilbert website all the time. You can search by keyword for cartoons. It's awesome!
Just a bump for all the new members.
Cause its my name!
Last name, its unusual for friends or people I frequent to call me by my first name...

Same here, most call me Link instead of Mark and they call my wife KP, Kathy Pickett
I'm Spoiledrotten because my wife spoils me rotten. My wife's user name is Totallyrotten because I have her totally rotten. The daughter's is Alittlerotten, because yes, she's rotten, but not as big. She's a soph. at Ole Miss, studying to be a neurosurgeon. There's hope for me, yet.
I was a crew chief for Fountain Powerboats Off shore race team. During my time as crew chief (five years) we won 3 national champion ships and 2 world champion ships. Now that I am retired all i get to ride is my 25 mph pontoon boat. Gone are the days of testing in a 160+ mph Fountain race boat.
I used to watch them from Pt Pleasant in NJ.
Point Pleasant was the roughest water we raced in all year. The inlet had 10 footers when we went out of it. It was a chalenging just to finish that race much less win it.
A lot of DNF's.
I was a crew chief for Fountain Powerboats Off shore race team. During my time as crew chief (five years) we won 3 national champion ships and 2 world champion ships. Now that I am retired all i get to ride is my 25 mph pontoon boat. Gone are the days of testing in a 160+ mph Fountain race boat.

Is there any chance you'd consider moving up to a Seven Marine 627? I like to live vicariously through others...