Boat is home, but not without some issues!


Just some guy
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Dauphin, Manitoba
Well the boat is in the driveway, luckily I can still walk and stand up straight though! So went out to the brother in laws farm to get the boat, and wouldn't you know it, the wife forgot the pole saw! Last year when we were bringing the boat there for storage we noticed quite a few branches hanging into the entrance lane that ended up hitting the tower. So we kept saying, "have to bring the pole saw out and cut them down" well today we went and forgot it. So I asked him if he had a bow saw/speed saw he said he did, or he had a chain saw. Well I didn't know how I felt about being on a 20ft ladder reaching out with one hand with a chain saw, so figured the bow saw was the best choice. Well the bow saw was probably used last about 25 years ago, no tension adjustment, and rusty as can be, but it worked. I cut a few branches off at about 20'(they hanged down so far it would almost touch the Cadillac on the way in.

No problems. Oh, and the brother in law recently had back surgery and can't bend over and isn't even supposed to drive, so it was all me.

So then I go to cut off this other branch, it's about 12' up and basically the only branch on this one leg of a tree. The tree comes out at about a 45 degree angle from the ground/base of the tree, then makes a sharp horizontal 90 at the road and forks off to about four good size branches with lots of hanging foliage. So I lean the ladder right at the 90, nice and solid, start climbing. As I'm climbing, I can feel the main branch bob a little, but it still feels sturdy, so I start cutting. Well I get almost all the way through (about 4-5" thick) and the branch starts to break off, well as soon as the weight of the branch is relieved from the main trunk, it springs up and throws the ladder off! I land hard with my shin smacking the side of the ladder and my back feeling like it's making a U shape the wrong way! Elbows torn up, bruised and bleeding, and my truck keys that are in my front pocket dig through and cut open my thigh! I get up right away and start trying to walk and manage to, so I just kept walking and walking, breathing and swearing about the pain. Walked in, washed up and put some cold water on me. 

So I go back out, just keep walking it off, my shin is already bruised and swollen, but I still had a branch to cut, so I sucked it up and went to do it. Well in the "incident" the extension ladder got bent, so I got his truck backed up and stood on top of the bed rails and did it. Quite a frigging day. I'm just happy, it could have been SO much worse!! Guess I'll see how I feel in the morning! But the boat is in the driveway! I may have to wait a couple days to try to lift the 75lb batteries up and onto the deck though! Funny/not so funny thing is, our 3 year old niece ran and jumped up to the wife and now she can barely move or get into the vehicle because SHE threw out her back!! I said sheesh, which one of us fell off the ladder!!
Damn.........Tomorrow will be a better day brotha!!!!! Ibuprofen for both you and your wife!

You'll forget all of this happened........... when you guys and the dogs are out on your beautiful boat ........
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Been there and done that. Suck up some Advils before you go to bed. And...........................remember what your mother would have said. "You could've poked your eye out."       EH.           :p
Yes Jack, that came out of my mouth! I've been hitting the Advil already, might take a trip to the chiropractor tomorrow too. It sucks too because my elbows are cut up and bruised so it hurts to set them down anywhere so I just sit here with my arms crossed! Also rubbed some Arnica gel on the pains, my wife is into that hoodoo voodoo holistic stuff! Haha
Sounds like a good a reason as any to drink heavily... In the morning!

It will be 5 o'clock somewhere...

Glad I didn't get to inherit your boat. Yet. Ahem. Hint hint.
Oh, and it sucks to get old.

One of our attorneys was on a ladder cutting branches, with his wife holding the ladder. They are in their 60s. He fell. Landed on her. Both in the hospital for days. Almost killed them both. She broke his fall. They both live. Been trying to make a good lawyer joke out of all that...

Glad you're still with us Derrick.
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I'm just happy I opted out of the chainsaw idea!! Haha as for the will, pretty sure the bank would be wanting the boat back!! 
Ha ha ha. That's funny!
Wait a minute.......Derricks not that old! Just wait till he hits his 50s! When you hurt for no apparent reason........How old are you Derrick?!?
Sorry to hear of your misfortune. However, it could have been much worse. It could have been me who fell off a ladder. B)

Hope you feel better soon. Time for me to take another 800 MG Ibuprofen for my shoulder--but that's another story.

Cheers, Steve
Yikes! A few years back I was taking down a tree in my yard and was at the top of the ladder, one handing the chain saw. The tree branch came down and wiped out the ladder, but luckily I had roped in with some climbing gear and I just had to dangle around and be embarrassed for a bit. But hey, on the bright side, hanging out on the boat is the perfect activity when you're a little beat up. Just bring some folks along to do all the loading, etc. and you're set!
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I am but a mere 37 and 3/4 years old! Haha, but trust me, coming from the north, it was a HARD first 26!! Haha I always say I'm far too young to hurt this much already!

Thanks everyone, I'm happy it only turned out as bad as it was!
At least you were walking after your fall.  Last time I cleaned my gutters, I had a ladder accident--resulting in 2 broken legs.  After 7 weeks in bed and a wheel chair, the accident may have taken some years off my life.  And I now hire out my climbing as I have no more falls left in me.

And two weeks ago, I had 200' of gutters removed from my house when 6 huge pine trees kept clogging them.

The worst part of being bedridden was having to ride with my wife driving to doctors appointments, etc.  She scares the heck out of me.
I think the worst part of the story is that it is July 1st and you just brought your boat home. Wounds heal but you can't get back lost days. And I am so accident prone it is crazy. Who needs tattoos to tell a story when you have scars! Maybe that could be another thread......"List your injuries and accidents here!"

Glad you are doing ok but lets see some new photos of that boat! You've made us wait long enough!
Don't know why you didn't just leave the boat there and simply just bought a new one.......Canadians, go figure
Well I blame my wife for all of it! All these years she keeps saying I am a Superman, she must not have paused long enough between the words super and man, I thought I could fly!
DERRICK, YOU DUMBASS......What the hell were you thinking? 

Next time you do that shit,.....  "RTFD"  (Read the F@##@*g Directions......

Too bad you didn't have a GoPro. That would be streaming all over the US and that place where you live.

Anyway...Glad you are OK.   What doesn't kill us, makes us stronger.....   So I've heard.

Leaving for 12 days of lake vacation on Friday. I will think of you :)