Our new grandson


Reaction score
Denver, NC on beautiful Lake Norman
Nathan Jason Wagner


8 lbs. 11 oz.

22 1/2"

Congrats! I've got plenty of life jackets for a little one I can give you.
Congrats! I've got plenty of life jackets for a little one I can give you.
Thanks. We've got a bunch we keep for visitors. I don't know if we have "baby" size though. :D
  • Congrats!!
Congrats !!!!
C-grats cwag!!!
Congrats, they are the best!
Happy for you and and your wife Carl
Thanks everyone for the wellwishes. We'll be seeing him in a couple of weeks since he's 650 miles away in NJ. Then we go on a carribean cruise for 9 days. Hey, someone's got to do it. :D
Tell all involved, congratulations and a hearty congrats to you and Mrs Suzi.

I will expect my cyber cigar by Saturday. lol
Tell all involved, congratulations and a hearty congrats to you and Mrs Suzi.

I will expect my cyber cigar by Saturday. lol
My cigar shop just had a special for Sancho Panza, any size for a buck apiece. Sooo, I bought 80 of them. B) Too bad you aren't closer.
Congrats are in order!!! He'll make a great little captain soon

This is from our trip to NJ last month. 3 generations.

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Oh that's just the best! Our second granddaughter is due in July. What a joy.
He looks just like you. Congratulations!
Nice Pix Pal. Can see the pride and joy in your eyes
Congrats Carl & Suzi! There seems to be some sort of a generation skip there! Your son is the only one with hair! LOL