Rod Holders


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Q1 - Just purchased a new Bene and would like to know if anyone has had any experience with Scotty Rod Holders that mount on the rails. West Marine has a similar version by the same manufacturer.

Q2 - Also my 2275 GCW is powered with a 115 Four Stroke Yamaha. Is this consisdered underpowered? Most boats of smilar sizes at Boat Shows had same power set-ups.

Thank you.
I always say more is better
Sea Monkey - Welcome to the club!

It really depends what you want to do with the boat. We have a 24SSl with a 115 and it can pull the kids on a tube scary fast, but if the boat is loaded with a lot of passengers, it just ain't big enough. So, if that's what you'll be doing (tubing/skiing with lots of passengers) get the 150 or however big your boat allows.

One tradeoff is fuel. For a given speed, a larger engine works less hard, so I suppose the fuel usage is similar for similar speeds. The problem is with a bigger motor, you WILL drive it faster/harder and THAT's what uses more fuel! The other tradeoff is the initial cost, which is significant at the 115 to 150 point because you also will likely need to add power steering (hydraulic steering at minimum) for anything bigger than 115.

There are days I wish I had went with the 150. At the time we bought our boat, the new Merc 150 wasn't out yet (which is a much cheaper price jump). The only choice I had was a Verado with digital throttle and shift, and the digital controls were pricey. After including power steering, it was a major price jump ($5k to $6k if I recall). It's not that much now with their new motor, and I suppose the Yamaha story is similar. MOST days I'm fine with what we have (the 115). You are asking a question MANY have pondered on this forum. Unfortunately it is something you will have to determine for your self. Search the site though, this topic has been VERY popular and you will find a lot of perspectives to help you make the best decision for YOU.

If you have kids, go big...
Sea Monkey

I have 4 cabela quick draws mounts on my rear railings on my 2275 rcw. They give you inserts that work with 7/8 or 1" round tubes. 2 on the port and 2 on the starboard side. I also have 2 mounted to the long leg of the Bimini with square mounts. We cam typically run 4 rods long lining or we can run 4 long lines off the back and 2 on each side mounted to the Bimini leg when we run in line planers boards.

There maybe a picture in my gallery of the rod holders and how they mount

Hope this helps

Seamonkey, Check out this link for Rod Holders as well as other applications: As far as the motor I have a Yamaha 115 on my boat and have always said I am content with it, We are slow cruisers and at the time I was also thinking better gas mileage. I selected the 115 for the exact reason as you it would have cost an additional 6k to move to the 150 between the cost of the motor and adding the steering so I didn't do it because we are slow cruisers [still trying to justify my decision]. HOWEVER if truth be said and I had to do it over I should have went 150 just because of the number of people we at times carry. The weight of the full boat really taxes the motor when I need a little more speed and I do think it would not take much more gas than the 115 at my normal slow cruise speed. Now all of you that warned me please do not rub it in; YES DAMIT YOU WERE RIGHT
You have 3 wise answers up there. To sum up some of the posts that have been made on this topic, 150 is probably your best bang for the buck as far as speed is concerned. The speed increase from a 115-150 is pretty substantial, the speed increase from a 150-200 is minimal (still worth it to me, but not as huge of a gain when compared to the 115-150) power steering does increase your price, but I think it is worth every penny! But as was said previously, only YOU know how you plan on using your boat, and that determines what is the best power plant for you.
Derrick, will you please explain why it's a substantial speed increase from a 115 to a 150 but the jump from 150 to 200 isn't as much. I keep thinking I need a bigger motor than a 150. Thanks.

You have 3 wise answers up there. To sum up some of the posts that have been made on this topic, 150 is probably your best bang for the buck as far as speed is concerned. The speed increase from a 115-150 is pretty substantial, the speed increase from a 150-200 is minimal (still worth it to me, but not as huge of a gain when compared to the 115-150) power steering does increase your price, but I think it is worth every penny! But as was said previously, only YOU know how you plan on using your boat, and that determines what is the best power plant for you.
Hey floves, Link stole my thunder already, but that link he posted is bang on. Eric is a very knowledgeable person on here, much more than me especially in the engine department. As for reasons well I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the drag coefficient of the imperfections in the horizontal flotation device opposing the intended momentum versus the organically created negative pressure of said flotation dispersement tool. Hope that clears it up for ya! In other words I don't know! I always love more horsepower and the only thing it may hurt is your wallet a bit more. I can't remember, but I think if you go higher than 150 then you need to have ESP. If you're already getting, than its a non issue.
You forgot to mention that once you get to 150hp engines, they all have a cremosader valve that allows the exhaust gases to mix with the lower unit oil to create a slime like substance that glides the boat through the water easier...

sorry, couldn't resist

As long as your muffler bearing doesn't get snagged on the sky hook.
This is the rod mount that I have. I have them installed so the inserts are on the inside of the boat so the playpen cover will still go on them when the mounts are pulled out. They work great with the extensions to get them higher.|/pc/104794380/c/104763780/sc/104538780/Scotty-Pontoon-Rod-Holder/1571319.uts?destination=%2Fcatalog%2Fbrowse%2Fboating-rod-holders-storage-fishing-rod-holders%2F_%2FN-1100635%2FNs-CATEGORY_SEQ_104538780%3FWTz_l%3DSBC%253BMM%253Bcat104763780&WTz_l=SBC%3BMM%3Bcat104763780%3Bcat104538780

As far as motor, I know that my 200 SHO won't break the 45mph barrier when compared to a 150... until you compare loaded boats. Then my boat has a substantial advantage of the 150 in overall performance.
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PDX is right on both accounts. I put my rod holder bases in such a way, where they don't interfere with he cover. His 2nd point is spot on. Loaded boat, and he walks away like a little duece coupe with his steroid raged SHO over any 150hp boat
Ah yes, the old flotation dispersement tool. I can't wait to ask one of the guys to hand THAT to me next time we're out on the lake... "Hey, can you hand me the floatation dispersement tool? It's under the seat you're sitting on. Just pop up the seat cushion and you'll see it in there." Ha ha ha!

Surprised you guys didn't recommend installing a flux capacitor as an option for the 115 though. They work great in a Delorean, but in a Bennington, it's out of this world.

Seriously though, Link's link up above is one of the best boiled-down summaries of all that data posted in the power and props section. If you're debating motor sizes, THAT is well worth your time to read.
I bought these, but mounted to my boarding ladder.

I will end up getting something else for near the front, but these are HEAVY DUTY.

The RL is hard to find something for as the panels run up to the top rail, so you cant have a wraparound type, and I want to be VERY careful of the cover.


Hmmmmm .... maybe this

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I've found these rod holders, they usually come in a set of two, but I'm sure there are singles out there. They don't interfere with the cover AT ALL, actually, I think they make it easier to put on!

If those don't work for you, I think you can usually rent this by most beaches and it's VERY helpful! Haha

If those don't work for you, I think you can usually rent this by most beaches and it's VERY helpful! Haha
hmmmmmm .... where's the "REALLY LIKE" button .........
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