Should I tackle Shark Hide Myself


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Dealer will put on Shark Hide for me for $460.  If I have time, should I do it myself, and if so just a couple of questions.

1) How much does it take

2) What temp does it need to be outside to apply this

3) Will it matter that I cannot get the spots where it sits on my trailer

The biggest question

4) For $460 should I just save myself the headache and let them do it?

I did Sharkhide on my first boat myself. It was a piece of cake. 

I used less than a quart to do two coats on both sides of twin 25" tubes. In the middle section of the insides I may have just done one coat though, but def 2 on the outsides and front and back of the insides. I also did the motor pod. I had enough leftover to do some touchups on my new boat when I got it. 

The areas on where it sits on the bunks don't matter. You'll never see them anyway, and the trailer would rub off the sharkhide there even if you could get it on. Same for the bottoms of your nose cones if you beach your boat. 

I didn't find it to be a headache at all, and I am not that much of a DIY-er. 
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What he said^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ and save yourself 300 bucks in labor plus the gas and time to haul it around.

One pint will do one coat over your entire boat but better pick up two pints just in case you are sloppy. Just sop up a terry cloth rag and wipe it on and be sure to cover it all. Best to wait an hour or so before doing a second coat, I did my second coat within a half hour and it was a bit too tacky in spots yet and while going over it again got some rough spots in the finish on one side but part of it was I used heavy paper shop towels instead of terry cloth, cloth wouldn't have left the smudges quite as bad as the paper towels as it got sticky on me.
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I have never seen the sharkhide instructions, I just winged it lol. :p
Thanks.  I am going to tackle it myself then, I just hope it is warm enough in Maine early May.  I have to leave for work again after that.
One more question:  Once this stuff is on, what type of cleaning do you do to the pontoons so not to take this stuff off.
Check out the FAQ:

Q: How do I maintain my SHARKHIDE finish?
A: Simply use a mild warm soap and water solution just as you would on your car. 

Q: What products will harm my SHARKHIDE finish?
A: Any petroleum based product like gasoline, solvents, thinners, or any other product's that contain petroleum's, such as waxes and polish's. Also some acid's 
and certain cleaners. Since it's absolutely impossible to test all product's for their effects on SHARKHIDE, don't apply anything other than a mild soap 
solution and you shouldn't have any problems.

Q: What can I do to remove SHARKHIDE?
A: SHARKHIDE can be easily removed with Lacquer Thinner no matter how long it's been on a surface.

This might be helpful too:
Do it yourself, very easy to apply. And you can buy it for about $60.00 a qt. Just follow the instructions. Good Luck!
I just did it myself. Purchased cloth diapers at Walmart. Temperature-wise, it recommends ahove 20 degrees I think. I did mine at 37 degrees and it turned out great.
That's awesome! I bet it didn't dry up and get sticky as fast as it does in 85 degree weather.

If you start to think about polishing too, tell us and we'll talk you out of it.
How long do I have to put some Shark Hide on my new toons before they start to tarnish? Even if I order shome Shark Hide today it wont be here before my boat. Will they tarnish after just a few times on the water?
How long do I have to put some Shark Hide on my new toons before they start to tarnish? Even if I order shome Shark Hide today it wont be here before my boat. Will they tarnish after just a few times on the water?
How long do I have to put some Shark Hide on my new toons before they start to tarnish? Even if I order shome Shark Hide today it wont be here before my boat. Will they tarnish after just a few times on the water?
Sorry to say, they begin to tarnish the moment they leave the factory, maybe sooner.
It might be painful but if I were you I would not put it in the water until you get it done.
Yes, that is my plan.  I don't think the ice is out in Maine yet anyway :)
I have a new bennington that will be on truck 4-22-15. One piece of advice I would give to every new toon owner. NEVER put pontoons in water before application of sharkhide. The biggest dis-service my dealer did me with my previous Lowe was not telling me the toons would oxidize (bad) after one time on the water.

I am compulsive by nature. I went to pick up boat - 1 week after first trip. The pontoons were all "grayed" out. I almost had a heart attack. It took me a long time to polish.

If you are anal......NEVER put in water before sharkhide. Awesome stuff. Can not say this enough.

This time I am having factory apply. This option caused me to buy this boat.
Well, I just got thinking.  I told my dealer I would do it myself.  I now realized the dealer put the boat in the water to test.  By the time I pick it up there is a chance the toons will have tarnished.  I just emailed them and told them to apply the sharkhide.  I am sure they know to wash them first, right? :)
Scott1, when I bought my boat in 2012 my dealer did not even discuss sharkhide and not positive but I don't know if Bennington offered it then either.  I clean my toons when it comes out in the fall and then have them cleaned and sharkhided in the spring every year even though the manufacture says sharkhide lasts a few years.  Unless you are willing to polish those toons to the mirror like finish and then plan on investing a ton of time and/or money on keeping them that way then I am telling you the toons will never look brand new after a few months.

Don't get me wrong, I hate it when someone does not have enough pride in keeping their boat looking good and when I see really cruddy toons I think "lazy" but IMO it's all right not to have that mirror finish.
Scott1, when I bought my boat in 2012 my dealer did not even discuss sharkhide and not positive but I don't know if Bennington offered it then either.  I clean my toons when it comes out in the fall and then have them cleaned and sharkhided in the spring every year even though the manufacture says sharkhide lasts a few years.  Unless you are willing to polish those toons to the mirror like finish and then plan on investing a ton of time and/or money on keeping them that way then I am telling you the toons will never look brand new after a few months.

Don't get me wrong, I hate it when someone does not have enough pride in keeping their boat looking good and when I see really cruddy toons I think "lazy" but IMO it's all right not to have that mirror finish.
So if I have the sharkhide applied and then make sure to clean them up every once in a while, will they still look good?