The Ninja was successful!


Just some guy
Reaction score
Dauphin, Manitoba
Well, it took a bit if time to find a qualified Ninja in Indiana, but Craigslist worked and he was able to sneak into the factory undetected and snap a few pics for me!! Don't worry Bennington, he had STRICT instructions not to touch anything or take anything (he was looking for stickers, but I said NO!!). Anyway, here are a few pics of my boat being built!! I'm so frigging excited now it's ridiculous!!

It makes me so excited I ALMOST forgot my worries about how I'm going to pay for it all.!!!! Haha Man I love Bennington.

Derrick, the oldest kid in the candy store.
Very nice looking. Is that an ejector seat at the helm? If so, you'll blast right into the tower.

I see that the model year is shown as 2014, hope you don't have to wait until then to get it!
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What a freekin sweet toon !!!!!!!!!
That's one awsome boat Derrick!!! :ph34r:
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Very nice looking. Is that an ejector seat at the helm?

I see that the model year is shown as 2014, hope you don't have to wait until then to get it!
Me TOO!! Haha, supposed to get shipped by the end of the week, so probably at my dealer beginning to middle of next week, fingers crossed!!
That is crazy cool!
The best thing was I was almost at my stress limit from dealing with stereo issues and serious possible work changes that would completely change my life (for the worse). Although I'm not totally out if the woods yet, as soon as I saw these pics I felt so excited and happy, the other crap didn't matter! Bennington, we don't build boats, we begin making memories.
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I have to say that tower model was meant to be red, and the shatter and white stripe teak really knock it out of the park. You're gonna love it!

Oh and change that avatar!!!
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I better love it!! I'll be paying for it for the next frigging 20 years!!! Haha
Hopefully this one will last you more than 20 hrs! Enjoy!
HEY! It was 25 hours!!! The new owner really likes my old one though!
After the year I have been on this forum I too have realized I came close to getting my dream boat but didn't quite nail it and would have done a few things differently. Derrick glad you did what you did. Makes me think about upgrading in the next year or two
Thanks Link, to give credit where credit is due, if my dealer (West Hawk Marine) hadn't been so amazing in doing everything they could to make this dream a reality, I wouldn't have had a chance at doing it! They truly are great people, with a great product, making great things happen.
I don't want to ever set foot in an R for fear I would catch the Derrick Disease. I was only in an R once, and it was in a dealer showroom right at the beginning of when we started to look at boats. I don't remember it anymore.

That's a trend changing boat Derrick! VERY cool!
Well I have an r and when I stepped in a QCW, I thought, now this is the one ...... Dealer has a GCW we thought about buying, but no elevated helm ..... Sorry, that's the deal breaker there. After having the elevated helm, I could never go back to standard. I'm thinking about asking dealer what they would charge for an elevated helm and swap it ....... Wife even mentioned that !!!!!

I think Derrick has ordered probably the sharpest boat I've seen yet. The color combo with the tower ....... droooool !!!!!!!
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Well I have to agree with you Semp! The only thing that sucks is its almost the same color combo Bennington used for it for the catalog and videos. I would have chosen it regardless, but now everyone can SEE how great it looks! Ahh well, I'm going to love it, for at least 50 hours!! Haha
Enjoy it !!!! You can't take it with you so spend it while you got it ..... Or at least finance it !!!!! Lol !!!!
Aaaaaaaahhhhhh it's all right..........Hahahahaha!!!!!! Very nice Derrick!
If anyone has even a hankerin' to upgrade for next season, you should drive to Elkhart or get an airline ticket to go to the open house. It might actually save you money (avoiding mistakes) in the long run. It is SO informative and there is access to answers on every possible question you can think of. It is really overwhelming with over 50 new model year boats (last time) and several varieties available to demo drive on the water close by. They bring out out the most knowledgeable staff, many of them company owners, to help you, and they are extra-ordinarily gracious. And then there is the plant tour with Mike who knows all ... just the best.