Time for another stupid Kaydano question...


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What's the difference between a captain and a skipper?
Both terms mean the same thing...........a person who is in command of a vessel.
Both pilot a boat but a Skipper can not do longer than a 3 hour cruise
Star Trek -Gilligan's Island ?
Gillian's Island .... :)
Long underwear goes OVER your normal underwear, but UNDER your jeans or pants. Us Canadians are always happy to help out you southerners!  Haha, true story, my wife used to work at a store up in Thompson and they had a group of people that were coming up with one of the automakers to do cold weather testing on vehicles a year or two before they were released (Thompson is known for this). Anyways, a few of them had never really seen snow, much less -50C weather! So they were all coming in to get winter survival gear, skipants, jackets, thermal underwear, socks, boots, the whole shebang. Well they had no idea what long underwear was for and a couple came out with it on top of their jeans! So everyone was laughing and they started dancing and bouncing around the store like that thinking it was the funniest thing, which it was. So then they had to teach them about how important "layering" clothes were in our winter climate. I don't think any were captains or skippers, just keeping it on topic.
Somewhere Gee is cringing..............Ha!
On our boat I'm the captain but Suzi is the Admiral.
Sorry ,had to do it  .

For the Troops 

( he's my neighbor too ) 
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Mary Ann

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Hey Jack, how do they get the pavement so white? 
Haha. My question came from watching Gilligan. The professor died a few weeks ago, and they started showing old episodes again. We DVR'd more than 80 of them and my 10 year old loves them. Scary I haven't seen them in 40 years but can often quote lines just before they say them. My kid laughs at me and says I'm old. Anyway, one episode they called the skipper captain, so that's where the question came from. Funny to see the pic of Gilligan, Mary Ann and Ginger. Mary Ann, by the way.
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How does one get to officially call ones self a captain? I see it all the time with fishing shows, capt so and so,
You own/pilot the boat.

Or you have an official license.

I'd have to get one to do boat tours in Myrtle Beach (so I've been told).
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Derrick I'd rather see that. Around here, for whatever reason, everyone goes to the store now in their pajamas?????? WTH ???
+2 on Mary Ann, although that is a great picture of Ginger! 