Will this winter ever end? I have a new Benny to enjoy!!

I would have said the Original Tiger Stadium ( Briggs /Navin ) but the morons in Detroit tore it down 
My dealer was all over it today !!!

Yeah baby! When are you taking it out?
Probably not till Saturday it's supposed to rain next three days any how, doesn't that figure???
Oh well, rains better than snow I guess
At least yours is in the water. We're still a moth out.... I'm jealous!
We were -20C with wind,-30C still over 4 feet on ice. Might say screw it and wear shorts tomorrow. We'll see. 
glad to see he was able to get you and all of your friends boats in SemperFi :)
I wish it was like this all the time.... The whole lake to myself !!! :)
Isn't that why they make "raincoats " ?
I would go out in a snowstorm if I could, but I don't want the carpet getting soaked first thing of the season ...... Plus I'm a wussy when it comes to the cold .... :)
I understand completely ,I am so anxious right now I would go out in my hunting clothes if the ice was gone . :D
82 here today and I was wearing shorts. Spent the day unloading a 25' Uhaul that the kids drove down Monday and after filling the storage unit we were fitting the rest in the shed. I'm whooped!    :eek:
I will wear shorts down to about 30 degrees. My mom laughs at me when we go to breakfast on Sundays and I'm wearing shorts. At least I'm not wearing pajama bottoms like some people do???

I think Derrick holds the record for shorts in the cold !!!

I'm really jealous of you right now Carl, 82 degrees !!!!! I thought 55 feels good.
I'm heading to the driving range in about an hour. I feel sorry for the golf balls as I will be taking some winter aggression out on them.
I'm heading to the driving range in about an hour. I feel sorry for the golf balls as I will be taking some winter aggression out on them.
If you hit them like I do, they are safe ....... LOL !!!!!
Was up at the marina today, still a sheet of ice. :(