Finally Delivery, and we love it

I think they changed the furniture bases or the fabric this year and that was the reason for delay. Not sure thou. Good luck. Hope you see it soon.

Yes, they changed the fabric.  Last week the Bennington Rep told me it's a priority to get it finished. The furniture arrived at the plant Monday, yet the boat is still sitting on the factory floor not finished (they sent me a picture today to show progress).  It looks like yet another weekend without the boat.  As of today, it's one month late. 
Received word last night that it's "done" and they will get it down here today, except the captains chair didn't come in so the dealer will put one on from one of their boats until the chair comes in.  Not perfect, but should have my boat tomorrow!!!
Excellent. Your dealer is going above and beyond to keep you happy! KUDOS to your dealer!!
Unreal!!!! After telling us yesterday that it was done and would ship out last night or this morning, they didn't ship it.  Instead, they waited until the end of today to say it will go out Sunday and arrive Tuesday. That's the third time they have said one thing then did a completely different thing.  The dealer even said they were willing to go get it, but Bennington told them they were sending it.  Once again, made plans based on what I was told and have to cancel them.  This boat better be worth all the frustration and aggravation this has caused us as I am really tempted to tell them what to do with that boat.  Three strikes you're out, right?
Sorry to hear all your ANGERvation. But I can't say enough about how GOOD your dealer has been through this process. As a home builder,I know it's a fine line between giving a customer information and giving the customer to much information. Sometime things just don't go as planned. And the harder you try,the worst it gets. All I can say is CHILL OUT and HANG in there. You've got a real nice boat coming and real nice dealer to deal with in the many years to come.
Sorry to hear all your ANGERvation. But I can't say enough about how GOOD your dealer has been through this process. As a home builder,I know it's a fine line between giving a customer information and giving the customer to much information. Sometime things just don't go as planned. And the harder you try,the worst it gets. All I can say is CHILL OUT and HANG in there. You've got a real nice boat coming and real nice dealer to deal with in the many years to come.

I agree that the dealer has been exceptional!  I want them to have my business.  This whole process would have been much less frustrating and I wouldn't have gotten angervation had Bennington communicated effectively.  They could have told us ahead of time they were going to miss the date, rather than after the fact.  Someone from Bennington could have called me - instead I had to ask for a call when they had missed their second date (once again without notice).  We are chill, for now. Hopefully this will be my last frustration post as they say we'll have the boat this week. Fingers crossed! Maybe my next post will have a picture of the new boat.
Trippernsc, Bennington does not deal directly with the consumer, just as Ford cannot. 

If a boat is ordered in July, it shows up in the 2016 cue, but will be built in August or September as a 2017, the good news is your boat will be a 2017.  The sales coordinator must then make adjustments to an order placed previous to the new model year so it matches the new model year equipment.   (Before new changes are posted on the website.)  It is the dealer's responsibility to communicate this to the customer.
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And finally, delivery!  We love it!

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Very nice!
That is gorgeous.  Would love to see some interior pictures as well
Going to need some more photos!!!!!! Congrats!  
Very impressive!
Beautiful boat, very nice.
Break that black beauty's 250 in and let us know your experience.  Like, take the day off work and get out there, now.  Post up some more pics too!

Congratulations, I am sure you'll be able to look back at your experience as not that big of a deal, things happen.  The swingback is my family's favorite place to be.  Sad that our season is done, she is coming out Saturday.
Looks great, congrats!