Post up your other toys or hobbies ..... AGAIN

Cool picture. Aways great to see eagles. A pair has nested across the lake from us for years and produced several sets of young. Never tire of watching them.
So just borrow his house for a while Jack. :)
He's close enough ,but I dont think he wants every one around . For the most part ,it was just him and I ,and I cant handle it by myself . They are not doing both knees at the same time .1st one is 2/4 ,then therapy ,then the second and more therapy .
However, I may be able to do some small batches in my turkey deep fryer depending on the weather
I was being funny Jack. We're still working on last years batch.
I enjoyed it as well! No maple trees down here. Hopefully your buddy has successful surgery
Beautiful scenery there! Looks like a blast.
Thanks, a guy built the frame and I built the rest. It is basically a sandrail built for the street. It has a 1.8 turbo and is a blast to drive
That thing is sweet!! Need more pics. You running a vw transaxle? I have a dune buggy.
That thing is sick!!!!
I'm a shooter - trap, sporting clays, several rifles, shotguns, and pistols. I'm a lefty so I have a couple of left-handed firearms.


  • TriStar 12 ga Sporting O/U

  • Escort 12 ga LH S/A 12 ga

  • Ithaca Model 37 12 ga pump

  • TriStar 28 ga S/A

  • Ithaca Home Defense 12 ga pump


  • Ruger 10/22 .22 S/A

  • Ruger Mini-30

  • Polish-made AK-47

  • Stag Model 2TL (LH AR-15) w/Mueller Quick Shot red dot

  • Hi-Point 4095TS .40 S&W S/A carbine w/Mueller Quick Shot red dot


  • Springfield 3" 1911 .45 ACP S/A

  • Star .380 S/A (1968) S/A

  • Magnum Research 1911 .45 ACP S/A

  • CZ-75B .40 cal S/A

  • Bersa .380 ThunderPlus S/A

  • SigSauer P238 .380 S/A

  • ATI Titan FX45 3" 1911 .45 ACP S/A

no bazooka - yet
Awesome gun collection tcpip!