Spring has Arrived in Northern Michigan ( According to the Calendar )

So did you get the boat. I've been away as well.
I'm kind of a nut and have a daylight calendar in my file cabinet at work. I pull it out every couple days and see how much daylight we've gained. Gaining almost an hour of daylight in two weeks isn't bad!!
8 days later ,Spring Forward.

I'm kind of a nut and have a daylight calendar in my file cabinet at work. I pull it out every couple days and see how much daylight we've gained. Gaining almost an hour of daylight in two weeks isn't bad!!
I'll adjust the clock any which way if it means getting closer to boating time!!!
About time for some good news. My furnace stopped working on Monday, it was replaced on Tuesday and last night when I got up to go to the bathroom I heard drip...drip. Got an ice dam that has created the drip through the ceiling and down the wall. High roof that I wont go on in summer much less winter. Snow so deep that the extra long snow rake isn't accomplishing squat, Roofer that I paid $13K [one of our apartment buildings] to in October not returning my calls.

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Ouch .

About time for some good news. My furnace stopped working on Monday, it was replaced on Tuesday and last night when I got up to go to the bathroom I had drip...drip. Got an ice dam that has created the drip through the ceiling and down the wall. High roof that I wont go on in summer much less winter. Snow so deep that the extra long snow rake isn't accomplishing squat, Roofer that I paid $13K [one of our apartment buildings] to in October not returning my calls.

I'd check the insulation in the attic. Sounds like heat loss into the attic space is causing an issue. Sorry to hear. If it is bad enough your homeowners insurance will cover the damage to the structure but not your personal property so get that stuff out of the way.
I'm trying to remain optimistic. Accuweather shows 50 in two weeks but I think we all know that won't happen.
If it's going up to 50 in two weeks ,I better get the sap supplies ready .
I did a little analysis based on the last 8 days based on a  2/16 forecast vs actual observed temperatures. This shows one of two things, predicting weather is impossible, or anything can happen with Michigan weather. So based on this I would expect the forecast to show inflated forecasted temperatures.

  [SIZE=medium]Forecast*[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]Actual[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]Spread in Degrees[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]Date[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]Hi [/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]Low[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]Hi [/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]Low[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]Hi [/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]Low[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]2/16/2015[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]11[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]-3[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]9[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]-9[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]-2[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]-6[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]2/17/2015[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]19[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]3[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]20[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]-3[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]1[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]-6[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]2/18/2015[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]12[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]-7[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]14[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]-11[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]2[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]-4[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]2/19/2015[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]8[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]-13[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]2[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]-25[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]-6[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]-12[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]2/20/2015[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]12[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]7[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]10[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]-7[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]-2[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]-14[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]2/21/2015[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]30[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]13[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]26[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]14[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]-4[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]1[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]2/22/2015[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]22[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]2[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]23[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]14[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]1[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]12[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]2/23/2015[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]20[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]2[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]8[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]-7[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]-12[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]-9[/SIZE]                       [SIZE=medium]Average difference in Actual vs. Forecast[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]-2.75[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]-4.75[/SIZE]               [SIZE=medium]*Based on 2/16/2015 Accuweather extended forecast for 48843[/SIZE]
Well that didn't appear as it looked in my text box!!!! Essentially the actual temps has averaged 2.75 degrees cooler and the low temp has averaged 4.75 degrees cooler than forecasted.
38 and sunny here and it feels great. Spring is definitely on the way! I'll be curious to see how fast it melts being in the 40's and mid 50's this week.