Your 2021 College Football Thread

Meant to write to you last night. Maryland came back and put a little scare to Izzo and the MSU faithful!!! Ha! MD is really young and raw and will be better next year with more experience.....
For sure! After dropping the close game to NW, we were really on the edge of our seats the final few minutes of the MD game last night.
For sure! After dropping the close game to NW, we were really on the edge of our seats the final few minutes of the MD game last night.
There's just something about an Izzo coached team. He's an excellent coach and teacher!
There's just something about an Izzo coached team. He's an excellent coach and teacher!
Yeah, I think he’s a keeper for a coach. :D
Well, heh, heh, heh. Badgers evened the score with MSU!!!
That they did! And to the backdrop of some frustration and maybe one or two choice words from me in that final stretch. Ha, ha! Your badgers played well!

We are on a bit of a skid these past couple games.
Okay…Super Bowl Sunday.

Rams v. Bengals.

Who do you WANT to win?

Who you GOT winning?

I’m leaning into the Rams because of Stafford. But, my wife and I both like the Bengals underdog status in this matchup.

My wife said it’s too tough to choose, so she’s going with who ever is up at any given moment. Me…sticking with our former quarterback in Matthew Stamford. I’d like to see him get one with the career he had with the hapless Detroit Lions.
I like Stafford and the Rams but rooting for the Bengals and Burrow! Cincinnati has never won a Super Bowl so going with the underdog!!!
Once again the stripes intervene at a crucial time in the game. That was not holding on the Bengals #55, period. Terrible call. Then it started. I dislike Chris Collinsworth soooo much!!! His statement "the Rams were built to win the Super Bowl" speaks volumes for me as to if there isn't a bit of preference as to who wins the games.. The National Fixed League. I had no horse in this race but being an Ohio guy I was rooting for the Bengals, and Joe Burrow.
I hear you on Collinsworth. I have never enjoyed him calling games. He is too “rah, rah” on whatever the main NFL storyline of the day seems to be. Just not impartial enough for me when it comes to ”The League”.

That holding call on 55 was pretty ticky-tac considering how much they were letting go by both teams up to that point with similar DB holding/grasping moves. It was there, but similar calls and been ignored pretty much the entire game.

Probably not any consolation, but the blatant offensive face mask/interference by the Cincinnatti receiver on that first play of the second half for a touchdown was such an obvious missed call. To me, that was perhaps the biggest referee misstep of the game. Thus, both teams benefited once in a critical situation by either a no call in that case, or in the case you mention, the ticky-tac holding call. Kind of a wash there…

Either way, such a great game! Both teams up at some point. Both teams pretty much always in striking distance. Just par for the course with this years NFL playoffs. I’m totally a college football guy, and only pay partial attention to the NFL outside of the playoffs. However, this years NFL playoffs were great!

I leaned Rams last night, but like you, not much skin in this game. I had the former Lion in Stafford at QB and former MSU lineman Brian Allan at OL for the Rams. If not for those two, I’d have been cheering on Cincinnati.
Yeah there were a couple questionable calls. If you go back and look at the 1st play after the half that resulted in the touchdown..... It was such a bang bang play you really couldn't see what happened in real time! But with the benefit of slow mo you can see it pretty plain. I don't think that was holding on the Cincy defender on the goal line after you look at the slow mo but it was a close close play in real time! Overall it was a good competitive Superbowl! The playoffs were fantastic!!! What did you all think of the half time show?!?
Halftime show was fine for me. Rotating musical genre’s for the Super Bowl halftime show is nice in my opinion. I find it surprising that it was the first time they went all in on rap. Probably long overdue.

I lean rock/hard rock, but somewhat enjoy or tolerate a variety of music. There are many years where I find the halftime music/show pretty ho-hum and others I know just loved it. Seems to be a good reason to rotate it annually to draw in different people.
Halftime show was fine for me. Rotating musical genre’s for the Super Bowl halftime show is nice in my opinion. I find it surprising that it was the first time they went all in on rap. Probably long overdue.

I lean rock/hard rock, but somewhat enjoy or tolerate a variety of music. There are many years where I find the halftime music/show pretty ho-hum and others I know just loved it. Seems to be a good reason to rotate it annually to draw in different people.
It's funny I knew the majority of the songs but just couldn't understand what the hell they were saying/singing! My wife always tells me that I hear what I want. Ha!
It's funny I knew the majority of the songs but just couldn't understand what the hell they were saying/singing! My wife always tells me that I hear what I want. Ha!
Right!?! Heck, I am that way with so much music…even the genres and artists I like. Always have been. But I hear you, same for me last night. Sounded “fine enough” to me, but didn’t follow a lot of it. However, I am just used to that on my part…ha, ha!
Juwan Howard might be in a little trouble...
Yup little bit of trouble! He said Gard grabbed him in the handshake line. Just a poor sport! Never really cared for him when he played for Washington back in the day. That's when I actually watched pro basketball.
Some year it would be fun to go to the B1G tourney.
Is it always in Indy? Looks like it is for the forseeable future. :(
I used to go to the ACC tournament and Big East tournament when they were held in the DC area. Sometimes at work!
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Nice win over Purdue Jeff!
A much needed win for sure!!! Maybe we can turn our skid around after all. Looking forward to closing our our regular season with Michigan, Ohio St, and Maryland. Fingers crossed! However, I know a few of you have specifically contrary wishes in each of those matchups. ;)
And with tonight's win over the Boilermakers, the Badgers own at least a share of the B1G title!!!Pissed Badger.jpg