Looking back on it all.


Just some guy
Reaction score
Dauphin, Manitoba
Wow, this is my 1000th post! Which isn't that big of a deal I suppose, since it's probably a 60/40 split between useful information and crazy/funny comments (you can decide which is which!) . I do know that I have learned a lot about boating, Bennington, and what a 'good' forum experience is. I have belonged to many different forums depending on what new "hobby" I took an interest to, but this is the first one that I keep coming back to. It's one of the first places I go in the morning and probably the last at night, just so I can give a quick check on what new situations have arisen. I like when I can hopefully give an answer to a newbie, and am honored when information is passed on to me. Ultimately from someone I don't know and will probably never meet, but it doesn't matter, we all take the time to pass on the information that we have learned in our own personal lives, to a complete stranger, just because. It's great. I know that if I ever plan on tackling LED lighting, want to finally go ahead with my stereo, or need to see some fender straps or try a new anchor because mines at the bottom of the Lake, someone here will take the time to give me their opinion, their knowledge, or laugh at me for being an idiot (you know who you are!). I hope that some of you have either learned something, solved something, or had a good laugh at something I've said or done. Regardless, you all have for me, and for that I thank all of you. I also would like to thank Bennington for creating and maintaining something that gives all of us a place to go to vent, to seek answers, and share our pleasures of boating.

Oh, and my wife thinks I have a problem because I'm on here so much! Haha
Derrick, you bring a smile to my face every day. :D Whether you know it or not, you're an inspiration to many, including myself. Thank you.
Same here Derrick! It's too bad you live so far north in that other country! Ha!
Congrats on the 1000 Derrick! Always fun to read your posts!

Looking forward to reading your next 1000...
Well, your wife could be right........Derrick, you are without a doubt the zaniest member here, the one with a comment, joke, a tell it like it is, or a what the hell! Keep up the good work, this place wouldn't be the same without you.

Ummm, does this mean we all have a problem???
I agree, the fun factor on this site would certainly drop a few pegs if Derrick wasn't around.

I think a lot of it is from him being cooped up in Canada all winter and by this time of year, he's going nuts waiting for the lake to appear (through the ice and snow). I think we all share that problem to some extent. But Derrick is so far out there compared to the rest of us (uhh, so far north I mean, yeah, that's what I meant).
We probably won't hear from him during his 4 weeks of boating season eh! I also like to see what Derrick has to say from day to day...minute to minute!
I should get all your mailing addresses and send you toques with the Bennington logo on the front and a "For Canada eh!" on the back!! Not sure they make one big enough for Off Call the way his head is swelling from all the compliments on his new ride! haha, thanks for the comments folks, you all make me smile too, yes even you Kaydano, and Big Kahuna, every time I see your name it reminds me of many many years ago, working at Pizza Hut and they came out with the Hawaiian pizza. They did up promotional t shirts we got to wear all summer instead of those crappy pinstripe collared shirts, they had the words Big Kahuna on it with a surfer, loved it!
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You're a good man. I also have been a member on lots of boating forums, but this one by far is the most friendly and helpful. Maybe due in nature that it's a sharing and tight community and there is no competition between the members unlike some of the other boating forums I have been apart of (my brand of boat is better, my motor is faster, I catch more fish then you do etc.).

As you stated, I have many online friends that I may never meet but the bond shared on this forum is amazing.

I thank each and every member from the newbies to the veterans, for all the knowledge they have provided this forum with.

Congrats Derrick. I never thought you would make it this far. lol. Seriously, you bring something to the forum and it is appreciated by many here including myself.

Once again, congratulations on the 1K.


You are definitely different ..... Lol !!!

Even though we've never met in person, you feel like a real true friend. Your zany comments always bring a smile, and your input is beyond compare. It's people like you that can keep the forum alive as we always look to see what you posted up today .......

I guess a lot of it has to do with your 3 week boating season .... but who knows ..... :)
Haha, thanks Andy and Todd, and Semp, I'm going to chose to believe that your "different" term was meant in a GOOD way! I know that is probably untrue, but hey, a man can dream can't he! Haha jk. I like to be the pun of the joke sometimes, that way I know I can let a real Zinger back at ya when the chance arises!! Pick on my short boating season all you like, just remember, hockey is OUR sport, and I get free healthcare!! Hahaha
Agreed, it wouldn't be the same without you Derrick. By the time I read this post it was already 1006 so here's looking forward to 2000
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I should get all your mailing addresses and send you toques with the Bennington logo on the front and a "For Canada eh!" on the back!! Not sure they make one big enough for Off Call the way his head is swelling from all the compliments on his new ride! haha, thanks for the comments folks, you all make me smile too, yes even you Kaydano, and Big Kahuna, every time I see your name it reminds me of many many years ago, working at Pizza Hut and they came out with the Hawaiian pizza. They did up promotional t shirts we got to wear all summer instead of those crappy pinstripe collared shirts, they had the words Big Kahuna on it with a surfer, loved it!
Derrick please make my toque an XL!! Actually I am surprised at the number of people who have made positive comments about our new Benni. It is not what a typical Benni is all about. Derrick please put on the back for me:"For Canada eh" I have some Canadian blood running through these veins!!! My grandmother is from Vankleek Hill, Ontario!!! Home of the Beaus All Natural Brewing Co. Thanks Derrick for the good reading!!
Hmmmmm let's see.............Big Kahuna and Pizza................not a bad thing.
I'll ask the question. What is a "toques" Never heard of one in Ohio
I'm worried that when Derrick finally gets that tower boat (he will!), he won't have anything bigger to aspire to and then forgets about those of us still in need of regular entertainment!

In the mean time, keep it comin'...
I'll ask the question. What is a "toques" Never heard of one in Ohio
Google is your friend. It's a brimless hat like a beanie or the ones with the long ties hanging on each side.
Strange Brew!!!! Awesome movie!