Pontoon versus Tritoon


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Green Lake Wisconsin
So does it seem everyone is now purchasing the Tritoon models over the Pontoons? Will new Pontoons be a thing of the past soon?
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I know for us it was all we were interested in looking at or considering. It fits our wants and needs much more than a two log toon.
We test drove both and we were sold on the tritoon.  I imagine both will be around for a long time.  There is a decent amount of cost for upgrading to a tritoon and if your not going to put a larger motor on it, a pontoon boat is still awesome!
We contemplated a triple but figured we'd lose too much speed .....  :lol:
We originally went with the dual elliptical.  Amazingly fast!  If we were on a lake that didn't have any rough water the elliptical would be the way to go.  As it is, because we're in the Gulf of Mexico (2-3' waves, etc.) the tritoon really helped smooth the ride out.  So in the end, I think it comes down to the environment that you're boating in.
For us due to Lake size and our personal wants, needs and desires, going pontoon made the most sense.  Unless you need the speed or stability,,, large lakes, especially The Great Lakes need The Tri-Toon private lakes and novice boaters pontoons. Keep in mind COST FACTORS are considerably higher and unjustified on the smaller lakes

No matter what you choose..

We All Agree 

There Is Only One Manufacturer Worth Considering 


Without question 

The Gold Standard of Pontoons 

A triple toon wasn't one of the options when replacing our existing runabout. I would of never considered a pontoon/tri-toon without the urging from wife. I was already signed up for a Yamaha 242 Limited S, like schedule the day and sign my name! Although a pontoon isn't my game... I looove my triple toon and wouldn't consider anything else! It fills the gaps for family Boating while keeping the performance end alive. Oh yeah, also wouldn't be anything but a Bennington!! :)  
We have had both. It all depends on what the boat will be used for. If you're just cruising around the lake, a pontoon is fine. If you're into water sports and speed, the tritoon is the way to go.

Like any purchase. Buy what fills the need.
I had my first Bennington Pontoon for 10 years and loved it. At the time I purchased it a 115 outboard on a pontoon was a nice size motor. It all depends on your lake situation and what you like. I see the pontoon being around a long time.
I do believe that tritoons are replacing two toons, hell I am old enough to remember when it was only one toon and laughed when I first saw a two tooed boat 
I think there will always be pontoons. There will always be small lakes or even large lakes with size/motor restrictions. I think that the bigger the boat, the more likely a tri will be the only option.
We went with a pontoon just due to budget. Really didn't think we needed a tritoon for the river and the pontoon does fine on it. I think probably tube size would have more effect on ride than anything. I know our old boat had small tubes and we would get drenched all the time. With the 25inch tubes on our new boat I really don't think we have had any water over the bow. Probably will be more a preference budget thing though. Pontoons are cheaper so I think there will always be a need for them.
I would have to agree that the pontoon is not going away, but a tri-toon will gain market simply due to its characteristics. We needed a platform that was going to allow for water sports and rough water, and a tri-toon fit the bill for both. It's also nice that I can potentially invite 15 of my closest family and friends to join me. LOL
Everyone I have given a ride to who is in the market for a boat has bought a pontoon/tri-toon. My next door neighbor went with a pontoon due to budget, others went with the sps due to the need for watersports. I agree both will stay around and gain more of the market share.
As always a lot of very good different thoughts about  Tritoons and Pontoons.

Thanks to all so far.
From what I am noticing at the dealers and on the local lakes, Tritoons are taking over.  Most of the new pontoons seem to be more of a lower budget boat.  If money doesn't matter, then the Tritoons will out ride and maneuver a pontoon all day long.
Quick question...........

Why are the twin ellipticals so much faster than a Tri toon?!?