Website Update March 22nd


Reaction score
York, Pa
Note: Bennington will be updating forum software Tuesday evening so the site will be offline for the night.


Note: Added by web team ........

-- One change to be aware of. Post-upgrade you will login with your display name -OR- email address. You will no longer be able to login with your username.

I "think" display name/username are same thing ??

Edit: I had to use my username to log in this am. 
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Goes down at 6pm, get you fix before then
Is it back up or am I an illegal?
The update has finally eliminated the 2+ year old malware that sent all initial search traffic to spam or p0rn sites. Good job!? 
Note: Bennington will be updating forum software Tuesday evening so the site will be offline for the night.

Note: Added by web team ........
-- One change to be aware of. Post-upgrade you will login with your display name -OR- email address. You will no longer be able to login with your username.

I "think" display name/username are same thing. Just remember you must use your email address.

Semp used my display name/password. Never used my email address.......
I could not log in ,had to change my PW then reset my user name .
Actually, I had to use my username?? 
The site kept telling me, my user name , email and my old log in id , did not exist . 

Reset my PW ,and my user name ,even though I left the user name the same .

No issues now 
I had no problems using my user name of Link
I'm back in now thats all that matters .

Maybe I was still sleeping . :lol:

Mark ,you try the face's  with the update ?
Is this supposed to look and act like facebook? :wacko:
Not sure but I'm missing the...

Go to the first unread post button.
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Sorry not real fond of the upgrade in mobile version. 

Maybe just need to get use to it. 
Signature info is gone.  I can't even find mine in my own profile info.  Looks like it's just not supported anymore.

What was wrong with the old software?
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Signature info is gone.  I can't even find mine in my own profile info.  Looks like it's just not supported anymore.

What was wrong with the old software?

Looks like signatures were turned off by default in the upgrade.  We have turned them back on so should be visible/editable now.

The only thing wrong with the old version of software was that it was old and replaced by this new version.  Same software, just an updated version.

Primary reasons for upgrading were to stay current and also for updated security.