Every now and then we have members talking about how to conveniently take their floating water matts out on the boat (where to put them, ways to secure them, etc….). There never seems to be an ideal answer.
I recently came across “The Matt Rack” (see below). It seems like it could be a solution for some members. I don’t own it or have any experience with it. I am not endorsing it in any way. Simply sharing it as a possible option.
Caveat: It secures to a traditional tow bar. Thus, if you don’t have a ski tow bar, then this wouldn’t work for you.*
* On their website they say they are trying to fabricate and test something similar for sky pylons, but currently do not have a product available.
Does anyone in the forums have this item that can share their experience? Member thoughts about this product? If anyone tries it out, maybe report back.
Here is the product website link:
The Matt Rack
YouTube Demo Video:
Matt Rack Demo Video

I recently came across “The Matt Rack” (see below). It seems like it could be a solution for some members. I don’t own it or have any experience with it. I am not endorsing it in any way. Simply sharing it as a possible option.
Caveat: It secures to a traditional tow bar. Thus, if you don’t have a ski tow bar, then this wouldn’t work for you.*
* On their website they say they are trying to fabricate and test something similar for sky pylons, but currently do not have a product available.
Does anyone in the forums have this item that can share their experience? Member thoughts about this product? If anyone tries it out, maybe report back.
Here is the product website link:
The Matt Rack
YouTube Demo Video:
Matt Rack Demo Video