Monsoon storm hits lake in Arizona....

There's another video of a pontoon boat getting flipped. They showed it upside down and it looked like the toon configuration of a Bennington bowrider! The center "tube" was wide and squarish....
That video brings back bad memories. A couple of years ago we hit a microburst one night trying to race home and beat a storm. Spoiler alert: the storm won.

Came around a peninsula and the wind suddenly picked up and the rain was blowing absolutely horizontally into our face. The bimini ripped loose and we were getting pelted. Made it around the point and cut a hard right into a very small marina at our local power squadron headquarters. Crashed into their dock with the wind at my back. Wife and dog got safely onto shore but our boat was getting pounded into the dock by the waves and wind. I backed out of the slip at FULL POWER IN REVERSE and the waves were crashing over the stern sundeck. Backed up a hundred feet or so and turned the boat under full forward power to do a 180 so I could motor aggressively into a different slip faced into the wind. A brave soul on shore helped me get her tied up and we scrambled inside the power squadron building to get out of the weather.

I had been boating at least 30 years by that time and that episode scared the bejeezus out of me.
On Lake Cumberland, our dock is on the main channel west to east about 5 miles long before it turns north and south. Years age ,we came out of a side channel and saw the thunderstorm coming up the lake. There would not have been time to tie up and get off the dock. I floored it into a cove on the south side of the channel and powered the boat against the shore. Cumberland is hilly so we were a little protected from the wind and waves but the hail nailed us. Thank technology that now we have weather radar on our phones. It has been helpful several times this year already.
There's another video of a pontoon boat getting flipped. They showed it upside down and it looked like the toon configuration of a Bennington bowrider! The center "tube" was wide and squarish....
It looked like a SeaDoo Switch to me...